The quantity entering expressions (12.18) to (12.23) should be determined from
the self-consistency equation (12.5). The self-consistent system of Eqs. (12.18) to
(12.23) is highly nonlinear. However, the assumption of a “narrow” energy distri-
bution of the electron excitations makes it possible to effectively find the solution,
even taking into account (12.23).
12.2.3. Simplifications for "Narrow" Distributions
Introducing the variables and denoting
we present Eq. (12.24) in the form
where is the gap at in the absence of external perturbation. The “narrow”
distribution results [as is seen from (12.25)] in a small value of and hence
Consider now the collision integrals. If the function and is still
concentrated in the region immediately above the gap, the relaxation terms in
(12.23) are small in comparison with the recombination terms, and may be
The electron–electron collisions may cause a significant change in the distri-
bution function if they are efficient. In our case, when the quasi-particles are
concentrated in a narrow layer near the Fermi surface and in this layer, we
must first account for the “collision pairing” processes [the second term in the
component of the collision integral when three colliding electron excitations
with energies . create a bound state (a Cooper pair) and a free quasi-particle with
the energy The opposite “collision breeding” processes in this case are not
efficient and hence may be reduced to the form