Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 3932 pages
This book introduces the main concepts of nonequilibrium phenomena in superconductors. The authors cover both experimentally well-understood topics and problems which physicists could challenge more in view of current theoretical understanding. Some of these topics include thermoelectric phenomena, influence of laser radiation as well as fluctuations in superconductors.
Basic Equilibrium Properties
Dynamics of Gapless Superconductors
Nonequilibrium General Equations
Electron and Phonon Collision Integrals
Microwave-Enhanced Order Parameter
Phonon-Deficit Effect
Time-Dependent Ginzburg–Landau Equations
A Longitudinal Electric Field and Collective Modes
Phase-Slip Centers
Josephson Junctions
Influence of Laser Radiation
Inverse Population Instabilities
Thermoelectric Phenomena
Vortices and Thermoelectric Flux
This book introduces the main concepts of nonequilibrium phenomena in superconductors. The authors cover both experimentally well-understood topics and problems which physicists could challenge more in view of current theoretical understanding. Some of these topics include thermoelectric phenomena, influence of laser radiation as well as fluctuations in superconductors.
Basic Equilibrium Properties
Dynamics of Gapless Superconductors
Nonequilibrium General Equations
Electron and Phonon Collision Integrals
Microwave-Enhanced Order Parameter
Phonon-Deficit Effect
Time-Dependent Ginzburg–Landau Equations
A Longitudinal Electric Field and Collective Modes
Phase-Slip Centers
Josephson Junctions
Influence of Laser Radiation
Inverse Population Instabilities
Thermoelectric Phenomena
Vortices and Thermoelectric Flux