and assume on grounds of the phase-space volume. Proceeding as in the
derivation of (11.14), we obtain in this case:
In the absence of imbalance, the value was obtained from normalization
condition (11.3). In the case of imbalance
where Consequently,
Actually, where is the gauge-invariant potential (8.6), repre-
senting the difference between the potentials of the normal and superfluid compo-
nents of the electron liquid. On somewhat different grounds, this potential was first
introduced by Owen and Scalapino
(the so-called -model). Despite the exist-
ence of a nonzero potential following laser pumping of superconductors, it has
not yet been experimentally confirmed. A while ago the pioneering work of
initiated interest in the states generated by the influence of electromag-
netic radiation on superconductors. This problem continues to attract the attention
of a lot of experimentalists (see, e.g., Refs. 13–17). Thus one can expect that branch
imbalance will be eventually registered and exploited in practice.
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