• у газетних заголовках
Witnesses vanish.
Lion escapes from zoo.
• в описі подій в історії, книзі, фільмі, п’єсі
In the film, the director uses a lot of fireworks and special effects.
• в анекдотах, жартах
There’s this man. He pretends he’s not well. So he goes to the doc-
• у подіях, що підкріплені словами, які кажуть самі за себе
I declare these Games open.
1. Прочитайте та перекажіть текст.
Day follows night and night follows day. That’s the way most peo-
ple live — everything is predictable. They get up in the morning, go
to work and come home in the afternoon or evening. They eat the
same food, go to the same places and see the same people. Through-
out their lives they keep the same job and do the same things. This is
not necessarily a bad thing. It gives people a sense of security to know
where they are; they don’t want life to have any unpleasant surpris-
es. But not everybody is like that; there are people who want constant
change. For them, life is worth living only when something out of the
ordinary happens. Which is better? It is, of course, impossible to say,
because what is good for one person is not good for another. A prov-
erb says: Many men, many wishes. Tastes differ.
2. Використовуючи дієслова з попереднього тексту, змініть
їх, якщо потрібно, та заповніть пропуски.
It is, of course, predictable that days ____________ nights. That’s
the way Peter __________. He __________ up in the morning, ____
________ to work and _____________ home in the afternoon or eve-
ning. He always ____________ the same things and _____________
happy living like that. He has a sense of security knowing where he
_____________, he ____________life to ___________ any unpleas-
ant surprises. But not all people ______________ like that. Peter’s
best friend ___________ constant change. For him, life __________
worth living only when something different ______________ every
day. What to say? Tastes ____________.
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