Combinatorics 7
in which λs
is greater than or equal to a linear expression
in powers of (s − 1), with binomial coefficients giving the
number of combinations of k − 1 or k things taken i at a
time (iu).
Letting GF(q) be a finite field with q = p
elements, an
n × r matrix with elements from the field is said to have
the property P
if any t rows are independent. The prob-
lem is to construct for any given r a matrix H with the
maximum number of rows possessing the property P
The maximal number of rows is denoted by n
(r, q). This
packing problem is of great importance in the theory of
factorial designs and also in communication theory,
because the existence of an n × r matrix with the property
leads to the construction of an orthogonal array (q
, n,
q, t) of index unity.
Again n × r matrices H with the property P
may be
used in the construction of error-correcting codes. A row
vector c′ is taken as a code word if and only if c′H = 0. The
code words then are of length n and differ in at least t + 1
places. If t = 2u, then u or fewer errors of transmission can
be corrected if such a code is used. If t = 2u + 1, an addi-
tional error can be detected.
A general solution of the packing problem is known
only for the case t = 2, the corresponding codes being the
one-error-correcting codes of the American mathemati-
cian Richard W. Hamming. When t = 3 the solution is
known for general r when q = 2 and for general q when r =
4. Thus, n
(r, 2) = (q
− 1)/(q − 1), n
(r, 2) = 2
, n
(3, q) = q + 1 or
q + 2, according as q is odd or even. If q > 2, then n
(4, q) = q
+ 1. The case q = 2 is especially important because in prac-
tice most codes use only two symbols, 0 or 1. Only fairly
large values of r are useful, say, r ≥ 25. The optimum value
of n
(r, 2) is not known. The BCH codes obtained by Bose
and Ray-Chaudhuri and independently by the French
direction is due to R.M. Wilson in 1971. He shows that
N(k) ≥ k
− 2 for large k.
Orthogonal Arrays and the Packing Problem
A k × N matrix A with entries from a set X of s ≥ 2 symbols
is called an orthogonal array of strength t, size N, k con-
straints, and s levels if each t × N submatrix of A contains
all possible t × 1 column vectors with the same frequency
λ. The array may be denoted by (N, k, s, t). The number λ
is called the index of the array, and N = λs
. This concept is
due to the Indian mathematician C.R. Rao and was
obtained in 1947.
Orthogonal arrays are a generalization of orthogonal
Latin squares. Indeed, the existence of an orthogonal
array of k constraints, s levels, strength 2, and index unity
is combinatorially equivalent to the existence of a set of
k − 2 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order s. For a
given λ, s, and t it is an important combinatorial problem
to obtain an orthogonal array (N, k, s, t), N = s
, for which
the number of constraints k is maximal.
Orthogonal arrays play an important part in the the-
ory of factorial designs in which each treatment is a
combination of factors at different levels. For an orthogo-
nal array (λs
, k, s, t), t ≥ 2, the number of constraints k
satisfies an inequality