Finite-Difference Methods Implemented in SATURN Complex 347
1.4 Parallel Techniques
As mentioned above, the numerical solution to many classes of multidi-
mensional time-dependent problem classes entails high computational costs.
Therefore, parallel algorithms oriented to advanced high-performance multi-
processor computer systems are required. The development of highly efficient
algorithms for parallelization of the problem class under discussion is an in-
volved methodological problem. There are a number of objective reasons for
this, among which the following should be primarily mentioned.
1. As known, implicit schemes are mainly used for the numerical solution to
the transport problems, hence, spatial grid cell computations should be
performed in some strictly determined sequence. When using nonorthog-
onal spatial time-varying grids, the sequence of the cell computation can
be different at different timesteps. In other words, in parallelization of
this problem class over spatial variables it is very hard, in contrast to the
problem classes using explicit numerical methods, to ensure a simultane-
ous uniform loading of all processing elements used.
2. In numerical solution to nonlinear transport equations the costs of the
transport equation coefficient computation are significantly different at
different spatial points, which leads to an additional disbalance of the
parallel computations.
3. In the numerical solution of the problem class under discussion a number
of other physical processes must be calculated simultaneously with the
simulations of the transport processes in separate subregions, which also
significantly influences the parallel computation balance.
We have developed a fine-grain parallelization method to solve the above
problems on multiprocessor computers in the spatial two-dimensional ap-
proximation. The method is oriented to the case of arbitrary nonorthogonal
spatial grids. It admits spatial problem decomposition to a fairly large num-
ber of processors with arrangement of balanced computations.
Principal concepts of the fine-grain parallelization method
• The principle of spatial decomposition of the initial system to subdomains
(paradomains) for the data allocation over the processors
• The pipeline computation of the paradomain along the particle flight direc-
tions with internal boundary conditions calculated at the current iteration,
which preserves the computation efficiency and accuracy
• Loading of temporarily idling processors with profitable computations re-
lating to calculation of additional coefficients, which the solution is ex-
pressed by.
• Using a combined approach with simultaneous parallelization over the sub-
domains and by angular variable µ.
• When solving the multi-group transport problems, the spatial decompo-
sition principle is used in combination with the parallelization by energy