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for radiative calculations have been developed. However, all of these methods
are limited for a single layer of broken clouds.
We extended the Markovian approach to multi-layer broken clouds [Kas03,
KAM03]. In our approach, we assume that the statistical relationship between
two adjusted layers is described by inverse exponential expression. Such as-
sumption has some observation background [e.g., HI00; OK03]. To describe
such a statistical relationship, the statistically inhomogeneous Markovian
model was suggested [Kas03]. For statistically inhomogeneous fields, the un-
conditional probability of the cloud presence can vary strongly with altitude,
and the conditional probability is a function of the relative positions of two
separated space points.
The new statistically inhomogeneous Markovian model and the stochastic
RT equation were used to derive analytically the ensemble-averaged solutions
for the direct and diffuse intensity of solar radiation. It was demonstrated
that in the limiting cases the equations for the unscattered radiation yield
mathematically correct results. We applied the Monte Carlo method to solve
equations for the diffuse radiation. The accuracy and robustness of these
equations has been estimated using a numerical simulation method and dif-
ferent cloud fields. Validation tests show good predictive performance for the
mean radiative properties [KAM03, KAK05].
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Bi-
ological and Environmental Research as part of the Atmospheric Radiation
Measurement (ARM) Program. It is my pleasure to express gratitude to
Professor Georgii Titov for having introduced me to the exciting field of sto-
chastic RT and for his continued support through many years.
[Cah05] Cahalan, R.F., and Coauthors, 2005: The International Intercomparison
of 3D Radiation Codes (I3RC): Bringing together the most advanced
radiative transfer tools for cloudy atmospheres, Bull. Amer. Meteor.
Soc., (in press).
[CZ67] Case, K.M., and Zweifel, P.F. 1967: Linear transport theory, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Company, 342 pp.
[HI00] Hogan, R.J., and Illingworth, A.J. 2000: Deriving cloud overlap statistics
from radar, Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 126, 2903–2909.
[Kas03] Kassianov, E.I., 2003: Stochastic radiative transfer in multilayer bro-
ken clouds. Part I: Markovian approach, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat.
Transfer., 77, 373-393.
[KAM03] Kassianov, E.I., Ackerman, T.P., Marchand, R.T. and Ovtchinnikov,
M., 2003: Stochastic radiative transfer in multilayer broken clouds. Part
II: Validation tests, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 77, 395–416.