158 N.J. McCormick
for a relative index of refraction of water with respect to air, n
≈ 4/3. Such
an interface phenomenon does not occur for most other transport problems
(e.g., those involving neutrons). To analyze those light rays passing from
air to water through a flat interface, only a simple change of direction is
required to obtain the direction beneath the surface. But for those within
the water that reach the interface, only those with a polar angle of θ
with respect to the downward normal can pass through the interface
while those with ∼48.6
≤ θ
≤ 90
are totally reflected back into the
water. This means that numerical techniques that do not discretize the polar
angle variable, such as the spherical harmonics method, are cumbersome to
The mis-match of the different indices of refraction for air and water tends
to affect the radiance mostly near the surface. At a few optical depths beneath
the surface, where almost all photons have undergone one or more scatter-
ing interactions, the directional dependence of the radiance is dominated by
the optical properties more than the directional dependence of the surface
illumination. For deep, spatially uniform waters containing no sources (e.g.,
inelastic scattering) the radiance approaches an asymptotic regime where the
directional dependence does not change with increasing depth, although the
magnitude of the radiance decreases exponentially [McC92].
2.3 Sea Surface Waves and Wave Focusing Effects
If the radiance is to be accurately computed near the surface, then the ef-
fects of waves also must be considered. This requires incorporating the index
of refraction direction changes at the point on the wave surface where the
ray strikes. The Monte Carlo technique, the logical method of choice, has
been implemented for this purpose [Mob94]. But a major problem is how to
describe the shape of the waves. Traditionally the classic Cox-Munk model
[CM54a,CM54b,Mob94,Wal94] has been used. It is a wave-slope wind-speed
correlation for capillary (i.e., small surface) waves. The dimensionless horizon-
tal wave slopes in the alongwind and crosswind directions vary independently
and are normally distributed with zero means, with variances proportional
to the wind speed U in ms
= a
U, where a
=3.16 × 10
= a
U, where a
=1.92 × 10
s .
The wave elevation also is distributed normally.
Wind produces a frictional drag at the interface that transmits energy
to the sea surface, so when a steady wind starts then small capillary waves
develop first. Energy then is transferred to the longer-wavelength gravity
waves and the spectrum energy grows until equilibrium is reached such that
the input wind energy balances the energy dissipation. For a radial spectrum
S(k) and an angular speading function Φ(k, ϕ), the “Elfouhaily” statistical