Effective Propagation Kernels in Structured Media 113
What are the consequences of negative correlations for photon trans-
mission? Shaw et al. [39] use the pair-correlation model to show that a
super-exponential (faster-than-exponential) transmission law will follow from
η(r) < 0. The continuum approach has more trouble here because negative
correlations are just different incarnations of the uniform-σ hypothesis.
The question of how relevant negatively-correlated media are to at-
mospheric optics is, at present, entirely open [27]. The balance of evidence
however favors further consideration of the positive correlations related to
droplet or cloud clustering. The known mechanisms that cause cloud parti-
cles to repel each other, as listed by Shaw et al. [39], indeed require either
very close proximity (threatening the important dilution requirement in any
transport theory based on geometric optics) or else rather unusual circum-
stances (e.g., still air, electric charge separation). Negative correlations can
occur also at macroscopic scales: certain types of cloud layers (e.g., marine
stratocumulus) are systematically topped by clear layers, trains of orographic
clouds downwind from a mountain range will also yield negative correlations
at regular distances. However, in both these cases, any chance of occurrence of
another cloud further along in the vertical or horizontal direction will restore
positive correlations, which already dominate at the micro-scale.
3.7 Summary, Discussion, and Outlook
On the one hand, we have established the deep non-Poissonian nature of
photon transport in variable optical media and, on the other hand, we have
underscored the importance of having spatial correlations over MFP scales to
obtain non-exponential FPDs. An inescapable consequence of deviations from
spatial uniformity of the cloud droplets is that the mean (or effective) photon
transport kernel is non-exponential. More precisely it is sub-exponential in
the case of positive correlations (clumping tendencies).
In the atmosphere, spatial correlations in cloud structure exist over a
vast range of scales horizontally as well as vertically, although clearly in
qualitatively different ways. This range goes from centimeters at least up
to the thickness of the troposphere (≈10 km), and often much more in the
horizontal. There are both positive and negative correlations, but at scales
that matter for photon transport they are overwhelmingly positive.
Two-point spatial correlations, even of the right sign and over the right
range of scales, are of little consequence unless extinction (and, hence, the
pseudo-MFP) also vary widely enough in the sense of the 1-point statistics
(i.e., the PDF). Consider the following two scenarios:
• In a single dense un-broken cloud layer, the MFP is small with respect to
the physical thickness of the layer. This is equivalent to saying that the
layer is optically thick and that (literally) an exponentially small amount
of direct sunlight gets through.