2.2 Irrotational Flows and the Velocity Potential 47
In solving such flows, it is convenient—and useful—to first omit viscosity terms
completely. Since this reduces the order of the differential equations, this means that
fewer boundary conditions can be applied. The zero normal velocity condition generally
is the most important condition and so is retained, whereas the no-slip velocity condition
is ignored. For many flows, viscous effects can be included later by considering the
boundary layer flow using the slip velocity found from the inviscid flow at the outer
edge of the boundary layer.
Most 19th-century fluid mechanics was concerned with the study of inviscid flows.
There was no clear understanding of the effects of the Reynolds number on the flow, and
the study of turbulence was left largely untouched. This was, however, a time of great
ferment in the fields of fluid mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and thermodynamics.
Particularly in the first two areas, scientists discovered a great similarity in their fields,
and it was not unusual for a researcher to make contributions in both. As a result, today
both fields share many terms such as source, sink, potential, and current, among others.
Workers in one field often use analogies in the other, perhaps feeling that the other field
can give a clearer understanding. In this chapter, the electrical and magnetic analogies
are set aside, but keep in mind that despite this, a minor change in terminology is all
that is needed to change the topic to electrostatics, electrodynamics, and magnetostatics.
If viscosity terms are omitted in the Navier-Stokes equations, they reduce to the form
=−p +g (2.1.1)
This is called the Euler equation.
2.2 Irrotational Flows and the Velocity Potential
From the circulation theorem (equation 1.12.2b), if mass density is constant and viscous
effects can be neglected, D/Dt =
·ds. The integrand on the right-hand
side of the equation is an exact differential, so the integral around the path vanishes.
Consequently, for a flow with no upstream circulation, as the flow moves downstream,
it must continue to be vorticity-free, or irrotational. This is called the persistence of
irrotationality. (In a real fluid, viscosity effects will introduce vorticity at a boundary,
but at high Reynolds numbers this vorticity will be convected downstream and chiefly
confined to the vicinity of the boundary and the wake.)
By the definition of irrotational flows,
= ×v = 0 (2.2.1)
This suggests that two of the velocity components can be solved for in terms of the
third component or, alternatively, that, as in the case of the continuity equation, scalar
functions can be introduced that have the effect of accomplishing this.
An easier approach is to realize that since for irrotational flows =
v ·ds = 0
for any C, it follows that the integrand v·ds must be an exact differential, and therefore
for an irrotational flow field with velocity v, it must be expressible as the gradient of a
scalar. This allows us to write
v = (2.2.2)
Inviscid fluids do not exist, but fluids can flow in such a manner that viscosity effects are negligible in
most of the region of flow.