1.15 Dimensionless Parameters 39
1.15 Dimensionless Parameters
The development of fluid mechanics over the years has relied on both experimentation
and analysis, with the former leading the way in many cases. To express data in the most
useful form, dimensional analysis was used extensively. It is also extremely useful in
analysis. The number of such parameters introduced from time to time in the literature is
certainly in the hundreds, if not thousands. There are a few, however, that predominate in
general usage. Most of them come from the Navier-Stokes equations and their boundary
The Reynolds number, named after Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912), a British
scientist/mathematician, represents the relative importance of the convective acceleration
terms in the Navier-Stokes equations to the viscous terms. Reynolds used the term in
1883 in a paper presenting his results on the transition from laminar to turbulent flow
of liquids in round pipes. It is typically found in the form VD/.
The Froude number was named after William Froude (1810–1879), a British
mathematics professor who became interested in ship construction. He started his studies
of ship resistance by building scale models and then towing them in long, narrow basins
he had constructed himself. Towing basins are now used extensively in the design
of ships to determine the proportion of ship resistance to waves. They also are used
to study wave forces on offshore drilling cables and pipelines. The Froude number
(actually never used by him) represents the ratio of the convective acceleration terms in
the Navier-Stokes equations to the wave forces as represented by the gravity terms. It
is typically used in the form V/
gh, although the square of this is also used. Froude’s
ideas on model studies were initially ridiculed by his peers, but his perseverance led to
their acceptance.
The Richardson number V/
gh/, named after colonel A. R. Richardson,
a faculty member of the University of London, is a variant of the Froude number.
It is used in studying waves in flows with density stratification. He introduced it
in 1920.
The Strouhal number is named after C. Strouhal (1850–1922), a German physicist
who studied the aeolian sounds generated by wind blowing through trees. It is an
important parameter in studying the shedding of vortices and is written as D/V or
fD/V , where f is the frequency and the circular frequency.
The pressure coefficient p/
, sometimes called the Euler coefficient
(Leonard Euler, 1707–1783, a Swiss mathematician) is a form suited for the
presentation of pressure data. It is the ratio of pressure forces to the convective
The drag coefficient F
A is used for presenting the drag force (the force in
the direction of motion), where A is the projected area.
The lift coefficient F
A is similar to the drag force but perpendicular to the
direction of motion.
The moment coefficient M/
AL is convenient for measuring the moment on a
wing or rudder.
The Weber number V
D/ was named after Moritz Weber (1871–1951), a pro-
fessor of naval mechanics at the Polytechnic Institute of Berlin. He introduced the name
similitude to describe model studies that were scaled both geometrically and using
dimensionless parameter for forces, and introduced a capillary parameter, including
surface tension.