26 Fundamentals
change. The second law of thermodynamics can be used to show that
+2/3 ≥ 0.
If we are to have the mean normal stress equal to the negative of pressure, it follows
that the bulk viscosity must be zero. At one time Stokes suggested that this might in
general be true but later wrote that he never put much faith in this relationship. Since
for most flows the term is numerically much smaller than p, Stokes’s assumption is still
widely used.
Usually one thinks of p as being the thermodynamic pressure, given by an equation
of state (e.g., p = RT for an ideal gas). In such a case, the bulk viscosity is not
necessarily zero, and so the thermodynamic pressure generally must differ from the
mean normal stress. Values of
for various fluids have been determined experimentally
in flows involving very high-speed sound waves,
but the data is quite sparse. Statistical
mechanics tells us that for a monatomic gas, the bulk viscosity is zero. In any case, in
flows where both the dilatation and the bulk viscosity tend to be very small compared
to pressure, the effects of the bulk viscosity can usually be neglected.
Some elaboration of the four postulates for determining our constitutive equation
are in order. We have said that the only kinematic quantity appearing in the stress is
the rate of deformation. What about strain or rate of rotation of fluid elements?
The type of fluid we are considering is completely without a sense of history.
(One class of fluids with a sense of history of their straining is the viscoelastic fluids.
For these fluids strain and strain rates appear explicitly in their constitutive equations.)
A Newtonian fluid is only aware of the present. It cannot remember the past—even the
immediate past—so strain cannot enter the model. Although such a model predicts most
of the basic features of flows, it does have its disturbing aspects, such as infinite speed
of propagation of information if compressibility is ignored. For most flows, however, it
seems a reasonable assumption.
Our assumption that when the rate of deformation is zero the stresses reduce to the
pressure is simply a reaffirmation of the principles of hydrostatics and is a basic law
used for practically all materials.
The isotropy of a fluid is a realistic assumption for a fluid of simple molecular
structure. If we had in mind materials made up of small rods, ellipsoids, or complicated
molecular chains, all of which have directional properties, other models would be called
for, and this constraint would have to be relaxed.
The linearity assumption can be justified only by experiment. The remarkable thing
is that it quite often works! If we relax this point but retain all the other assumptions,
the effect is to add only one term to the right side of equation (1.8.1), making stress
quadratic in the rate of deformation. Also, the various viscosities could also depend on
invariant combinations of the rate of strain, as well as on the thermodynamic variables.
While this adds to the mathematical generality, no fluids are presently known to behave
according to this second-order law.
We have already remarked that a state equation is a necessary addition to the
constitutive description of our fluids. Examples frequently used are incompressibility
D/Dt =0 and the ideal gas law p =RT. Additionally, information on the heat flux
and internal energy must be added to the list. Familiar laws are Fourier’s law of heat con-
duction, where the heat flux is proportional to the negative of the temperature gradient, or
q =−kT (1.8.3)
See, for example, Lieberman (1955).