1.3 The Local Continuity Equation 5
since the rate at which the particle leaves this position is v dt. Similar results can be
obtained in the y and z direction, leading to the general vector form of the acceleration as
a =
+v · v (1.2.2)
The first term in equation (1.2.2) is referred to as the temporal acceleration, and the
second as the convective, or occasionally advective, acceleration.
Note that the convective acceleration terms are quadratic in the velocity components
and hence mathematically nonlinear. This introduces a major difficulty in the solution
of the governing equations of fluid flow. At this point it might be thought that since the
Lagrangian approach has no nonlinearities in the acceleration expression, it could be
more convenient. Such, however, is not the case, as the various force terms introduced
by Newton’s laws all become nonlinear in the Lagrangian approach. In fact, these
nonlinearities are even worse than those found using the Eularian approach.
The convective acceleration term
v ·
v can also be written as
v ·
v =
v ·v
+v × ×v (1.2.3)
This can be shown to be true by writing out the left- and right-hand sides.
The operator
v ·
, which appears in equation (1.2.2), is often seen in fluid
mechanics. It has been variously called the material,orsubstantial, derivative, and
represents differentiation as a fluid particle is followed. It is often written as
v ·
Note that the operator v · is not a strictly correct vector operator, as it does not
obey the commutative rule. That is, v · = ·v. This operator is sometimes referred
to as a pseudo-vector. Nevertheless, when it is used to operate on a scalar like mass
density or a vector such as velocity, the result is a proper vector as long as no attempt
is made to commute it.
1.3 The Local Continuity Equation
To derive local equations that hold true at any point in our fluid, a volume of arbitrary
shape is constructed and referred to as a control volume. A control volume is a device
used in analyzing fluid flows to account for mass, momentum, and energy balances. It
is usually a volume of fixed size, attached to a specified coordinate system. A control
surface is the bounding surface of the control volume. Fluid enters and leaves the
control volume through the control surface. The density and velocity inside and on the
surface of the control volume are represented by and v. These quantities may vary
throughout the control volume and so are generally functions of the spatial coordinates
as well as time.
The mass of the fluid inside our control volume is
dV. For a control volume
fixed in space, the rate of change of mass inside of our control volume is
dV (1.3.1)
The rate at which mass enters the control volume through its surface is
v ·n dS (1.3.2)