202 Chapter 4. Classical level set metho d
We next point out that there are three review articles on mathematical anal-
ysis for the level set method – the article by Y. Giga (1995a), the article by L. C.
Evans published in the lecture note by M. Bardi et al (1997) and the article by L.
Ambrosio in the lecture notes by L. Ambrosio and N. Dancer (2000). These arti-
cles present main ideas only and do not give details except the one by Ambroiso,
where only typical equations are treated. The present chapter gives details and
clarifies the class of equations to which the method applies.
The invariance (Theorem 4.2.1) goes back to the work of Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga
and S. Goto (1991a) where they consider conventional viscosity solutions instead of
F-solutions. Theorem 4.2.7 for the level set mean curvature flow equation is due to
L. C. Evans and J. Spruck (1991). The proofs given here are based on simplification
by Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga and S. Goto (1991c). Theorem 4.2.8 is essentially due to
Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga and S. Goto (1991a), where they assumed that f(x, t, n, ∇n)
is independent of x and satisfies (f1), (f2) so that (BCP) holds. For the case of
the level set mean curvature flow equation such uniqueness with Remark 4.2.13 is
proved by L. C. Evans and J. Spruck (1991). Extension to unbounded evolutions
(§4.2.4) is due to H. Ishii and P. E. Souganidis (1995) as well as F-solutions.
The existence by Perron’s method (§4.3) is essentially due to Y.-G. Chen,
Y. Giga and S. Goto (1991a) except extensions to F-solutions and unbounded
evolutions. Theorem 4.3.5 is due to H. Ishii and P. E. Souganidis (1995). The
existence by approximation (§4.4) is due to L. C. Evans and J. Spruck (1991).
Semigroup properties were first stated explicitly by L. C. Evans and J. Spruck
(1991). The results from Theorem 4.5.2 to Corollary 4.5.8 and in Lemma 4.5.12
are taken from the work of S. Altschuler, S. B. Angenent and Y. Giga (1995),
where they discussed only the mean curvature flow equations; extension to general
equations is straightforward. Lemma 4.5.12 is in particular useful to conclude that
the fattening does not occur for rotationally symmetric closed hypersurfaces moved
by the mean curvature as proved by S. Altschuler, S. B. Angenent and Y. Giga
(1995); this paper also includes a rigorous proof that the fattening occurs for
figure 8; see also a review paper by Y. Giga (1995). For fattening phenomena
more references are given in §5.6. The results from Theorem 4.5.9 to Corollary
4.5.11 are due to G. Barles, H. M. Soner and P. E. Souganidis (1993).
The strategy to prove convergence of viscosity solutions only by bound for
maximum norm without estimating derivatives goes back to G. Barles and B.
Perthame (1987), (1988) and independently by H. Ishii (1989b). A weaker version
of convergence is stated in the work of F. Camilli (1998), who also discussed the
convergence of level sets. His proof is different from ours. It seems that Theorem
4.6.1 was not stated in the literature. Derivation of Theorem 4.6.4 from Theorem
4.6.1 presented here is due to M.-H. Giga and Y. Giga (2001). When N =2,for
(4.7.1)–(4.7.2) they proved a stronger result without assuming convergence of the
derivative of γ; they only assume the uniform convergence of γ
to γ on S
The phenomenon ‘instant extinction’ is first observed by L. C. Evans and J.
Spruck (1991) for the mean curvature flow equation. Theorem 4.7.1 is a general
result not stated in the literature. Theorem 4.7.2 is taken from the work of Y. Giga