160 Chapter 3. Comparison principle
(for F-solutions). Most results in §3.2.2 are taken from the work of Y.-G. Chen,
Y. Giga and S. Goto (1991b).
The contents of §3.3.1 is essentially taken from User’s Guide except Theorem
3.3.3 that is very useful to handle parabolic problems. The proof of Theorem 3.1.1
is more transparent than the original proofs under (F3) of Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga
and S. Goto (1991a) and L. C. Evans and J. Spruck (1991) since during their
researches Theorem 3.3.2 was not available. The proof of Theorem 3.1.4 without
(F3) is slightly different from H. Ishii and P. E. Souganidis (1995) or M. Ohnuma
and K. Sato (1997) since F depends on t. Even under (F3) it is different from
that of Y. Giga, S. Goto, H. Ishii and M.-H. Sato (1991) since we rather use
Theorem 3.3.3 instead of the usual parabolic version of maximum principle (due
to M. Crandall and H. Ishii (1990)).
The Lipschitz preserving property is clear if F is spatially homogeneous,
i.e., F is independent of x. The convexity preserving property is more difficult
to obtain. When F satisfies (F3) and is independent of t, this property was first
proved by Y. Giga, S. Goto, H. Ishii and M.-H. Sato (1991) by adjusting idea
of H. Ishii and P.-L. Lions (1990) for singular equations. A statement similar to
Theorem 3.5.2 is stated by H. Ishii and P. E. Souganidis (1995) without proof
when F is independent of time. We here give a complete proof.
When F depends explicitly on the spatial variable x it is hard to state the
results in a simple way. When x-dependence appears in first order terms, it is
relatively easy to state (Theorem 3.6.1). Although this is not explicitly stated
in the literature without assuming (F3), the proof seems to be standard. When
x-dependence appears in the top order term, Theorem 3.6.4 is considered as a
variant of comparison results of Y. Giga, S. Goto, H. Ishii and M.-H. Sato (1991)
and of G. Barles, H. M. Soner and P. E. Souganidis (1993). Even for nonsingular
equations the power 2 of µ|x − y|
in (3.6.8) is optimal in the sense that we cannot
replace µ|x − y|
by µ|x − y|
with k<2(k>0). This is already pointed out by
H. Ishii (1989a) [Theorem 3.3]. As mentioned in Remark 3.6.8 it is nontrivial to
extend spatial inhomogeneity in the second order term when (F3) is violated.
Boundary value problems. The Neumann type boundary problem, i.e., B(x, p)=
ν(x),p was proposed for viscosity solutions first by P.-L. Lions (1982) and estab-
lished a comparison principle for first order equations. It was extended to second
order equations with more complicated boundary condition by G. Barles (1993)
and by H. Ishii (1991) including oblique type boundary conditions, when the equa-
tion has no singularities at ∇u = 0. The first work for singular equation was done
by M.-H. Sato (1994), where he proved Theorem 3.7.1 under (F3). Extension to
F-solutions seems to be nontrivial from his proof so we provide a detailed proof.
Under (F3) the convexity assumption on the domain was successfully removed by
Y. Giga and M.-H. Sato (1993) at the expense of restricting a class of F .Later,this
result was generalized to an oblique type problem where B(x, p)=ν(x),p + z|p|
with a constant z ∈ (−1, 1) by M.-H. Sato (1996) when the domain is a half space.
For a general domain and a general boundary condition B(x, ∇u)=0thecom-