432 Wireless Transmitters and Receivers
be set so certain standard tone pitches result (such as 2125 Hz and 2295 Hz in the case of 170-Hz
shift). Unlike the situation with CW reception, there is little tolerance for BFO adjustment varia-
tion or error.
Detection of FM
Frequency-modulated (FM) signals can be detected in various ways. These methods also work for
phase modulation.
Slope detection: An AM receiver can detect FM in a crude manner by setting the receiver fre-
quency near, but not on, the FM unmodulated-carrier frequency. An AM receiver has a filter with
a passband of a few kilohertz, having a selectivity curve such as that shown in Fig. 25-14B. If the
FM unmodulated-carrier frequency is near either edge, or skirt, of the filter response, frequency
variations in the incoming signal cause it to swing in and out of the receiver passband. This causes
the instantaneous receiver output to vary. The relationship between the instantaneous FM devia-
tion and the instantaneous output amplitude is not linear, however, because the skirt of the pass-
band is not a straight line, as is apparent in the figure. The result is an unnatural-sounding received
PLL: If an FM signal is injected into a PLL, the loop produces an error voltage that is a dupli-
cate of the modulating waveform. A limiter, which keeps the signal amplitude from varying, can be
placed ahead of the PLL so the receiver does not respond to AM. Weak signals tend to abruptly ap-
pear and disappear, rather than fading, in an FM receiver that employs limiting.
Discriminator: This type of FM detector produces an output voltage that depends on the in-
stantaneous signal frequency. When the signal is at the center of the passband, the output voltage is
zero. If the frequency falls below center, the output voltage becomes positive. If the frequency rises
above center, the output becomes negative. The relationship between the instantaneous FM devia-
tion and the instantaneous output amplitude is linear, so the output is a faithful reproduction of the
incoming signal data. A discriminator is sensitive to amplitude variations, but this can be overcome
by a limiter.
Ratio detector: This type of FM detector is a discriminator with a built-in limiter. The original
design was developed by RCA (Radio Corporation of America), and is used in high-fidelity receivers
and in the audio portions of TV receivers. A simple ratio detector circuit is shown in Fig. 25-14C.
The balance potentiometer should be adjusted for the best received signal quality.
Detection of SSB
For reception of SSB signals, a product detector is preferred, although a direct-conversion receiver can
also do the job. A product detector also works well for the reception of CW and FSK. The incom-
ing signal combines with the output of an unmodulated LO, producing audio or video. Product de-
tection is done at a single frequency, rather than at a variable frequency as in direct-conversion
reception. The single, constant frequency is obtained by mixing the incoming signal with the out-
put of the LO.
Two product-detector circuits, which are also representative of the mixers used in superhet re-
ceivers, are shown in Fig. 25-14D and E. At D, diodes are used; there is no amplification. At E, a
bipolar transistor is employed; this circuit provides some gain. The essential characteristic of either
circuit is the nonlinearity of the semiconductor devices. This generates the sum and difference fre-
quency signals that result in audio or video output.