The partial sums denoted by H* and K* don’t settle down on anything. But
the partial sums denoted by L* seem to approach 1. They aren’t skyrocketing
off into uncharted territory, and they aren’t alternating between or among
any multiple numbers. They are under control. The partial sums in L*
seem to have a clear destination that they could reach, if only they had an
infinite amount of time to get there.
It turns out that L
, representing the sum of the infinite string of numbers L,
adds up to exactly 1! We can demonstrate this by observing that the partial
sums ‘‘close in’’ on a value of 1. As the position in the sequence of partial
sums, L*, gets farther and farther along, the denominators keep doubling,
and the numerator is always 1 less than the denominator. In fact, if we
want to find the nth number L
in the sequence of partial sums L*, we can
calculate it by using the following formula:
As n becomes large, 2
becomes large much faster, and the proportional
difference between 2
1 and 2
becomes smaller and smaller. When n is
extremely large, the quotient (2
1) / 2
is almost exactly equal to 1. We can
make the quotient as close to 1 as we want by going out far enough in the
series of partial sums, but we can never make it bigger than 1. The series L
said to converge on the number 1, and as such it is an example of a convergent
When you see a long sequence of numbers, you can usually figure out, with-
out much effort, whether or not it’s a geometric sequence. If it isn’t immedi-
ately obvious, you can conduct a test: divide each number by the one before
it. If all the quotients are the same, then the sequence is a geometric sequence.
Now imagine, as you did with the arithmetic sequences earlier in this
chapter, that you’re given a long string of numbers, but some of them are
missing. An example of such a situation is shown in Table 14-4. It’s easy to
determine the missing values, once you notice that this is a geometric
sequence in which each term is twice as big as the term preceding it. The 4th
term has a value of 8, and the 9th term has a value of 256. We can call the
process of filling in Table 14-4 an example of geometric interpolation.
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