To calculate
, note that 6 students scored 4, while 4 students scored 3.
This means that 6 þ 4, or 10, students got grades of D:
¼½ð6 4Þþð4 3Þ=10
¼ð24 þ 12Þ=10
¼ 36=10
¼ 3:60
Finally, we determine
. Observe that 4 students got scores of 2,
7 students got scores of 1, and 3 students got scores of 0. Thus, 4 þ 7 þ 3, or
14, students failed the test:
¼½ð4 2Þþð7 1Þþð3 0Þ=14
¼ð8 þ 7 þ 0Þ=14
¼ 15=14
¼ 1:07
If the number of elements in a distribution is even, then the median is the
value such that half the elements have values greater than or equal to it,
and half the elements have values less than or equal to it. If the number of
elements is odd, then the median is the value such that the number of
elements having values greater than or equal to it is the same as the number
of elements having values less than or equal to it. The word ‘‘median’’ is
synonymous with ‘‘middle.’’
Table 7-8 shows the results of the 10-question test described above, but
instead of showing letter grades in the third column, the cumulative absolute
frequency is shown instead. The tally is begun with the top-scoring papers
and proceeds in order downward. (It could just as well be done the other way,
starting with the lowest-scoring papers and proceeding upward.) When the
scores of all 100 individual papers are tallied this way, so they are in order,
the scores of the 50th and 51st papers – the two in the middle – are found to
be 6 correct. Thus, the median score is 6, because half the students scored 6 or
above, and the other half scored 6 or below.
It’s possible that in another group of 100 students taking this same test, the
50th paper would have a score of 6 while the 51st paper would have a score
of 5. When two values ‘‘compete,’’ the median is equal to their average.
In this case it would be midway between 5 and 6, or 5.5.
CHAPTER 7 A Statistics Sampler 159