54 C.A. Zorman et al.
at 625
C, the grains are large and columnar [13]. The crystal orientation is pre-
dominantly (110) Si for temperatures between 600 and 650
C, whereas the (100)
orientation is dominant for temperatures between 650 and 700
Although polysilicon can be doped by solid source diffusion or ion implantation,
in situ doping during the LPCVD process is an effective means of modifying the
electrical properties of the film. In situ doping of polysilicon is performed by simply
including a dopant gas, usually diborane (B
) or phosphine (PH
), in the CVD
process. The inclusion of boron generally increases the deposition rate of polysili-
con relative to undoped films, whereas phosphorus reduces the rate [14]. Inclusion
of dopants during the LPCVD process leads to the production of conductive films
with uniform doping profiles without the high-temperature steps commonly asso-
ciated with solid source diffusion or ion-implantation. In situ doping is commonly
used to produce conductive films for electrostatic devices, but has also been used to
create polysilicon-based piezoresistive strain gauges, with gauge factors as high as
15 having been reported [15].
The thermal conductivity of polysilicon is a strong function of its microstructure,
which, in turn is dependent on deposition conditions [13]. For fine-grain films, the
thermal conductivity is about 25% of the value of single-crystal Si. For thick films
with large grains, the thermal conductivity ranges between 50 and 85% of the single-
crystal value.
Like the electrical and thermal properties of polysilicon, the as-deposited resid-
ual stress in polysilicon films depends on microstructure. For films deposited
under typical conditions (200 mtorr, 625
C), the as-deposited polysilicon films
have compressive residual stresses. The highest compressive stresses are found in
amorphous Si films and in highly textured (110) oriented polysilicon films with
columnar grains. Fine-grained polysilicon tends to have tensile stresses. The den-
sity of polysilicon has been reported as 2.25 − 2.33 g/cm
under varied conditions
[16]. The refractive index of polysilicon has been reported as 3.22−3.40 also under
varied conditions [16]. The fracture toughness of polysilicon has been measured to
be 1.2 ± 0.2 MPa
From both the materials properties and processing perspectives, polysilicon has
matured to the point that commercial foundries are able to offer full service sur-
face micromachining processes based on LPCVD polysilicon, the two most notable
being the MEMSCAP MUMPs
process and the Sandia SUMMiT V
process is a popular multiuser process whose design guidelines can
be found in [18]. Although the exact growth conditions of these films are not typ-
ically published in the literature, it has been reported that the films are deposited
using silane gas at a temperature of 580
C and pressure of 250 mtorr [19]. High-
cycle fatigue testing of these films was explored in [20]. Table 2.5 details some
of the important material properties that have been reported for the MUMPs
Another multiuser process is the Sandia SUMMiT V
process. This process
provides the MEMS designer with five low stress polysilicon structural layers whose
conductivity is reported to be 9.10±0.23−33.99±5.14 /sq. The complete design
guidelines for this process can be found in [23].