In general, the collisions are not elastic and there is some degree of excitation and
ionization taking place. For the hard collisions (i.e., collisions involving substantial
momentum transfer) that are responsible for sputtering, however, the energy transfer
involved in the moderation of the incident ions is large compared with the ionization
energy. The effects of the weaker collisions responsible for ionization may be studied
A 10-keV O
ion has a speed of 2.5 ð10
m/s, which greatly exceeds the speed of
sound in solids. The lattice is unable to carry the energy away as phonons. A cascade
of collisions occurs in the region where the incident ion strikes the surface. The energy
of the ion is distributed among the atoms in that region. If the energy per atom exceeds
the cohesive energy of the solid, these atoms are likely to evaporate from the surface.
Some of them will emerge as ions, although most will come out as neutrals. Some of
the emerging ions will be reneutralized on the way out. The probability that a given
species will leave as an ion is very chemical dependent as well as a function of the
nature of the sputtering ion. It is known, for example, that a cesiated surface has a low
work function, whereas an oxygenated surface has a high work function. This could
easily affect the reneutralization probabilities for the emerging ions, since electrons
will have to tunnel out from the solid across a vacuum barrier to reach the emitted
ions as they leave the solid.
Once the ions emerge from the sample, the mass spectrometry may be carried out in
one of three ways. One may use an accelerating cathode to speed up the ions and then
inject them into a uniform magnetic field. Alternatively, one may use a quadrupole
mass spectrometer. Finally, one may make a time-of-flight measurement. The first
method will be examined.
The speed of the positive ion as it passes through the cathode depends on the cathode
voltage V, relative to the sample:
v D
where the initial velocity of the ion as it leaves the solid is negligible. The diameter
of the resulting circular orbit in the magnetic field is
where q and M are the charge and mass of the ion and B is the strength of the magnetic
induction. Thus the mass-to-charge ratio is
A typical SIMS spectrum of Si exposed to oxygen is presented in Fig. W22.36, where
the number of counts in a detector is plotted as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio
M/Z and where q D Ze. Note that the species ejected reflect the bonding in the solid
and, in particular, that an SiO
fragment is not ejected.
W22.21 Rutherford Backscattering
A powerful technique for compositional depth profiling of a solid is Rutherford
backscattering (RBS). Usually, an ˛-particle source is used with its energy on the