where p is the momentum, E the total energy, K the kinetic energy, and V the potential
difference through which the electron is accelerated to achieve this kinetic energy. By
using 20-kV potentials, wavelengths of 0.009 nm are obtained, smaller than an atom.
Thus resolution is no longer a limitation, but other factors, such as aberrations, prevent
this fine resolution from being realized.
Electrons may be focused using electrostatic or magnetostatic lenses. The focal
lengths of these lenses may be varied at will by changing the potentials and currents,
respectively. It is therefore possible to construct electron microscopes in much the same
way as optical microscopes are constructed. The main difference is that in electron
microscopy the distance from the lenses to the sample is held fixed while the focal
lengths are changed. In optical microscopy, of course, it is the other way around.
The image in electron microscopy is usually obtained by rastering the beam across
the sample and having the electrons collected by a detector. After amplification, the
processed image is displayed on a fluorescent screen. High-vacuum conditions are
needed for the electron beam to avoid collisions with gas molecules.
When high-energy electrons strike a material, they excite it and thereby lose
energy. Bulk and surface plasmons can be excited. Interband transitions occur and
electron–hole pair excitations are produced. There are also core-electron knock-out
processes, which are followed by x-ray emission or Auger deexcitation. The Auger
process is a multielectron process in which one electron fills an inner-shell vacancy,
and one or more other electrons are ejected from the atom. Intraband transitions occur
in metals. The net result is that copious amounts of secondary electrons are produced.
In addition, there are backscattered primary electrons. Light may be emitted from the
material when the electron–hole pairs recombine. If the sample is thin enough, a beam
of electrons will be transmitted through the sample.
There are several methods for observing the sample. These include scanning-
electron microscopy (SEM), transmission-electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution
transmission-electron microscopy (HRTEM), and low-energy electron microscopy
(LEEM). These cases are discussed individually.
A number of typical electron micrographs using these techniques have appeared
in Chapter 4. Figure 4.1d showed nanocrystalline diamond with a resolution of ³
100 nm. Figure 4.1e was a micrograph with atomic-scale resolution of the interface
between crystalline Si and amorphous SiO
. Figure 4.6 displayed nanocrystalline Au
clusters embedded in an amorphous matrix. Figure 4.7 presented various morpholo-
gies of colloidal ˛-Fe
particles. Figure 4.3 gave an HRTEM micrograph of a
superlattice. Figure 4.9 showed the microstructure of a quasicrystal.
Figures 4.20 and 4.21 presented images of a stacking fault and a twinned structure,
respectively. These micrographs attest to the versatility of electron microscopy as a
tool for studying the microstructure of materials.
W22.12 Scanning-Electron Microscopy
The scanning-electron microscope (SEM) collects the backscattered and secondary
electrons that are emitted from the surface of the material. Typically, a focused 5-
nm-diameter beam with a current of 10
A is directed at the surface and penetrates
the material. At first, when the electron is moving fast, high-energy processes such
as Auger excitation are possible. Secondary electrons are produced, but backscattering
is improbable at first because of the small Rutherford cross sections at high energies.