point D on the image plane, the net amplitude is zero. It will therefore show up as a
dark line. This line is the phase-contrast image of the step on the surface.
Although there are other means of creating the phase contrast, such as defocusing
by a small amount, the foregoing scheme illustrates the basic method of how a surface
may be imaged using low-energy electrons in a microscopy arrangement. In practice a
small area of the sample is illuminated with the incident beam. Information from the
diffraction pattern is then processed. The beam is rastered over the sample and data
are stored for presentation. The spatial resolution is a function of the electron energy
used, varying from 60 nm at 250 eV to 2 nm at 30 keV.
An illustration of a LEEM micrograph is given in Fig. W22.26. The dark-field
micrographs show various stages of the nucleation of vacancy islands formed during
the etching of a 10
µm terrace on the Si(100) surface in an oxygen atmosphere.
In the following sections we describe methods for obtaining the energy distribu-
tion of charged particles. These distributions provide important information about the
elementary excitations of the solid. In photoemission experiments a beam of elec-
tromagnetic radiation is used to produce energetic electrons that are emitted from
the surface and are analyzed and detected. Both ultraviolet radiation and x-rays are
used. Low-energy electron beams are scattered from solids to provide information
concerning the surface and adsorbates on the surface. Extended x-ray absorption fine
structure may be used to obtain accurate information about short-range order in solids.
Auger emission spectroscopy is an important tool for obtaining quantitative informa-
tion concerning the chemical composition on or near surfaces. Secondary-ion mass
spectrometry and Rutherford backscattering provide additional information regarding
the chemical composition and defect structure.
W22.16 Photoemission
Photoemission involves the absorption of a photon by a material and the immediate
emission of an electron into vacuum. It has been studied in some detail in Section 19.9.
The energy spectrum and photoelectron yield are measured, often as a function of
photon energy. Photoemission may be carried out with ultraviolet radiation, in which
case it is called ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), or with x-rays, in which
case it is called x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) or electron-spectroscopy for
chemical analysis (ESCA). Since the mean free path of electrons is limited in mate-
rials, photoemission provides information concerning the surface region of the solid,
especially in the case of UPS. Photoemission may be used to study either crystalline
or amorphous solids. It is not useful for liquids because of the need to have a good
vacuum present, so that electrons may reach the detector without making collisions
with gas molecules.
Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy (UPS). In UPS electrons are promoted
from occupied states below the Fermi level to states above the vacuum level. The
photon’s energy must exceed the work function e of the material being studied. The
maximum energy the electron may have is given by a famous formula of Einstein:
E D ¯hω e, W22.98