Positron beams are used in positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) and positive muon
beams are used in the technique of muon-precession spectroscopy (
The chapter also touches briefly on transport measurements of electrical resistivity,
the Hall effect, thermal conductivity, thermopower, and the Peltier coefficient. It
describes some magnetic characterization tools, such as the Foner magnetometer, the
Faraday balance, and the ac bridge. The SQUID magnetometer is discussed in the
textbook in Section 16.7.
Not all methods of characterization are of equal importance. Such techniques as
XRD and NMR are more universally employed than others such as LEEM, EXAFS,
and HRTEM. Therefore, more space is devoted in the chapter to the former than to
the latter techniques. Nevertheless, all the methods in the chapter (as well as others)
are used to characterize materials and so should be understood.
In this section various diffraction techniques are studied. The most important is x-ray
diffraction, which provides information about the long-range order in the bulk of the
material. Low-energy electron diffraction provides similar information for the surface
of the material. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction and neutron diffraction are
also very useful in determining the structure. In particular, neutron scattering is sensitive
to the magnetic ordering of a solid.
W22.2 X-ray Diffraction
When a beam of x-rays interacts with an arbitrary material its atoms may scatter the
rays into all possible directions. In a crystalline solid, however, the atoms are arranged
in a periodic array and this imposes strong constraints on the resulting diffraction
pattern. It will be assumed for now that the temperature is sufficiently low that the
atoms may be regarded as being frozen in position. Diffraction was introduced in
Chapter 3, where the emphasis was on the kinematical aspects of the diffraction. In
Section 3.4 the Bragg and von Laue points of view were stated and compared.
In the Bragg description, x-ray diffraction (XRD) is brought about by the construc-
tive interference of waves scattered from successive lattice planes in the crystal. Each
plane actually scatters from 10
to 10
of the incident wave. Referring to Fig. 3.6, let
an incident beam of wave vector k impinge on a set of lattice planes, the rays making
an angle with respect to the planes. Attention is restricted to the case of specular
elastic scattering, so the outgoing scattered beam, of wave vector k
, also makes an
angle with these planes and
D k. W22.1
The angle of deviation between the outgoing and incident rays is D 2. The sepa-
ration between neighboring planes is denoted by d. The Bragg condition is given by
The material on this home page is supplemental to The Physics and Chemistry of Materials by
Joel I. Gersten and Frederick W. Smith. Cross-references to material herein are prefixed by a “W”; cross-
references to material in the textbook appear without the “W.”