Gas carburizing (in the austenite region near T D 1000
C) and nitriding (in the ferrite
region near T D 500
C) of low-carbon steels typically involve heating the steel in C-
or N-containing atmospheres (CH
or NH
), which leads to the rapid diffusion of C
or N atoms into the near-surface region known as the case (hence the use of the term
casehardening). Other metallic substitutional alloying elements, such as Ni, Mn, and
Cr, are not affected by this treatment, due to their much lower diffusivities in iron.
Analogous processes known as carbonitriding (or nitrocarburizing)andboronizing
can also be used for surface hardening.
The resulting spatial distribution of C in the steel depends on both the temperature
and time of the carburizing process. The carbon concentration is given approximately
by the solution of Fick’s second law of diffusion [see Eq. (W6.2)]. Typical C concen-
trations obtained in the surface layer are ³ 0.8 to 1 wt % (i.e., well below the solubility
limit of C in austenite). As the steel is cooled from the carburizing temperature, the
microstructure that develops varies with depth into the material due to the varying C
concentration. Pearlite and cementite are formed at and just below the surface, then
only pearlite when the C concentration has fallen to the eutectoid composition, followed
by a mixture of pearlite and ferrite at greater depths. For most steels carburized for 5
to 10 h, the thickness of the carburized surface layer is from 0.5 to 2 mm.
Following the carburizing step, additional heat treatments known as casehardening
are necessary to form precipitates of martensite, which result in the formation of a
wear-resistant surface layer on the steel. This subsequent heat treatment usually takes
place in the austenite phase near T D 850
C and is followed by rapid quenching to
form martensite. A martensite tempering heat treatment is then carried out in the range
T D 150 to 200
C to relieve stresses.
Surface nitriding procedures are ordinarily employed for steels containing the
alloying elements Al, V, Cr, and Mo and result in surface layers which are harder than
those which are obtained by carburizing. Nitriding is usually carried out in an NH
atmosphere and at lower temperatures, and therefore for longer times, than for the case
of carburizing since the eutectoid temperature T
in the Fe–N system is only ³ 590
The possible microstructures appearing in the Fe–N system are more complicated than
in the Fe–C system since more than one stable iron nitride (e.g., Fe
N, Fe
N, and
N) can exist in the nitrided surface layer, depending on the processing conditions.
The relatively N-rich compound Fe
N is typically found near the surface, while Fe
is found at a greater depth where the diffused N concentration is lower. In addition,
precipitates of the nitrides of the alloying elements Al, V, Cr, and Mo are also found
in the nitrided surface layer. As a result, the surface layer can be quite hard due to
the dispersion-strengthening mechanism. In contrast to carburizing, no additional heat
treatment is required to harden the nitrided surface layer.
In the case of surface hardening via carbonitriding or boronizing, carbonitrides and
borides are formed instead of carbides or nitrides. The Fe
B phase is preferred over the
FeB phase because it is less brittle and also because the resulting casehardened surface
is under compressive stress. Boronized layers on plain carbon steels are typically two
or three times harder than carburized layers on the same steels.
The carburizing and nitriding of steels can also be carried out in CH
or CO
and NH
or N
plasmas, respectively, with the result that the necessary treatment
times and temperatures can be greatly reduced. In addition, the plasma can clean the
surface via sputtering, activate the chemical species so that they interact more readily
with the surface to be hardened, and even heat the surface. Plasma nitriding is also used