effects. For example, a dopant element such as Cd or Zn with a high vapor pressure
can desorb from the growing surface and so may not be incorporated.
For a given substrate material there is a well-defined temperature range for the
growth of high-quality epitaxial films. For example, MBE of GaAs is typically carried
out for T
between 500 and 600
C. The low-T
limit is related to decreasing crys-
tallinity, while the high-T
limit is due to the high vapor pressure of As
and the
resulting deviations from stoichiometry. The lower limit for T
can be extended down
to 200 to 300
C by using reduced arsenic fluxes, and the upper limit can be extended
up to 700
C with the use of higher arsenic fluxes. Films deposited at T
D 700
higher quality (e.g., purer), due to reduced incorporation of impurities such as oxygen,
which form volatile molecules that desorb from the growth surface at high T
MBE systems are usually dedicated to the deposition of specific materials [e.g.,
either group III–V (GaAs, GaP, InP, etc.) or II–VI (ZnSe, CdTe, etc.) compound
semiconductors]. For each group of materials the compositions and configurations of
the films or superlattices deposited is essentially unlimited, with the only constraint
being the imagination of the grower. MBE is a versatile deposition technique which, in
addition to being used for group III–V and II–VI semiconductors, has also been used
for the deposition of elemental semiconductors such as Si and Ge, for metals such as
˛-Fe, Co, and Al, and insulating layers such as CaF
Other techniques used for the deposition of compound semiconductor thin films
includes metal–organic CVD (MOCVD), metal–organic MBE (MOMBE), also
known as chemical beam epitaxy (CBE), which make use of volatile organometallic
compounds such as trimethyl gallium, CH
Ga. When arsine, AsH
source of As, a typical reaction leading to the growth of GaAs is CH
Ga C AsH
GaAs C 3CH
W21.7 Plasma-Enhanced CVD of Amorphous Semiconductors
The use of energetic radio-frequency (RF) and microwave plasmas to produce
highly-reactive chemical species (excited atoms, molecules, radicals, and ions) allows
deposition of a wide variety of semiconducting and insulating thin films onto practically
any substrate at low temperatures, typically in the range T
D 25 to 500
C. Important
advantages of this plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD) method are that high-temperature
materials such as oxides, nitrides, and carbides can be deposited without excessive
heating of the substrate and also that large-area substrates can be coated. Low-
temperature deposition is important because lower temperatures are required in
integrated-circuit fabrication, due to the need to avoid diffusion of dopant atoms and
due to the presence of the low-melting-point metal Al used for device interconnections.
As a result of the lower T
, the films deposited are usually amorphous andalsooften
highly nonstoichiometric, with significant deviations from the nominal SiO
SiC compositions in the case of Si-based films. Depending on the precursors employed
and the substrate temperature, the films also can contain up to ³ 40 at % hydrogen,
which is chemically bonded in the random covalent network.
Despite the absence of long-range order, a considerable degree of short-range chem-
ical order, corresponding to the strongest possible set of chemical bonds, is usually
present in these films. This type of bonding results from the good atomic mixing taking
place at the surface of the growing film as a result of energetic species (e.g., ions) inci-
dent from the plasma. This atomic mixing allows bonding configurations to be achieved