turns out to be 50 kilohertz. The difference between this
frequency and the observed doppler frequency is 50 – 10 =
40 kHz. Dividing the difference by the PRF, we get n = 40 ÷
20 = 2 (Fig. 14). The echoes’ carrier is separated from the
observed doppler frequency by two times the PRF.
Although in this simple example we assumed that the
initial range-rate measurement was fairly precise, it need
not be particularly accurate. As long as any error in the
doppler frequency computed from the initial rate measure-
ment is less than half the PRF, we can still tell in which PRF
interval the carrier lies and so tell what n is. The initially
computed “true” doppler frequency, for example, might
have been only 42 kilohertz, almost half way between the
two nearest possible exact values (30 and 50 kilohertz)
(Fig. 15).
Nevertheless, this rough initially computed value (42
kilohertz) would still be accurate enough to enable us to
find the correct value of n. The difference between the ini-
tially computed value of the doppler frequency and the
observed value is 42 – 10 = 32 kHz. Dividing the difference
by the PRF, we get 32 ÷ 20 = 1.6. Rounding off to the near-
est whole number, we still come up with n = 2.
After having determined the value of n just this once, we
can, by tracking the target continuously, determine the true
doppler frequency, hence compute R
with considerable pre-
cision, solely on the basis of the observed frequency.
PRF Switching. The value of n can also be determined
with a PRF switching technique similar to that used to
resolve range ambiguities (see Chap. 12). In essence, this
technique involves alternately switching the PRF between
two relatively closely spaced values and noting the change,
if any, in the target’s observed frequency.
Naturally, switching the PRF will have no effect on the
target echoes’ carrier frequency f
. It, of course, equals the
carrier frequency of the transmitted pulses plus the target’s
doppler frequency and is completely independent of the
PRF. But not the sideband frequencies above and below f
Because these frequencies are separated from f
by multiples
of the PRF, when we change the PRF, the sideband frequen-
cies correspondingly change (Fig. 16).
Which direction a particular sideband frequency
moves—up or down—depends upon two things: (1)
whether the sideband frequency is above or below f
(2) whether the PRF has been increased or decreased. An
upper sideband will move up if the PRF is increased and
down if it is decreased. A lower sideband, on the other
hand, will move down if the PRF is increased and up if it is
CHAPTER 21 Measuring Range Rate
14. By making initial measurement of R
with differentiation
method, true doppler frequency, hence value of n, can be
immediately determined.
15. Initial measurement of true doppler frequency need not be par-
ticularly accurate. If error is less than half the PRF, value of n
can still be found.
16. If PRF is changed, each sideband frequency shifts by amount,
n∆, proportional to multiple of f
separating it from carrier.
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