1.15 Expected Value and Variance 15
The expectation is sometimes referred to as the first moment of the random vari-
able. Sometimes μ is used as another symbol for the expected value.
μ = E[X]
The mean (m) of a set of random variable samples is defined as
m =
The mean is not exactly equal to the expected value μ since m changes its value
depending on how many samples we take. However, as n →∞, the two quantities
become equal [5]. Higher moments are also useful and we define the variance,or
second central moment, of the random variable as
= E
(X −μ)
The variance describes how much of the mass of the distribution is close to the
expected value. A small value for σ
indicates that most of the random variable
values lie close to the expected value μ. In other words, small variance means that
the pdf is large only in regions close to the expected value μ. For an archery target
practice experiment, this might mean that most of the arrows were clustered together
and landed very close at some spot on the target (not necessarily dead center).
Conversely, a large variance means that the pdf is large for values of X far away
from μ. Again for the archery experiment, this means that most of the arrows were
not clustered together and landed at different spots on the target. The standard devi-
ation σ is simply the square root of the variance.
Example 1.15 Assume a random variable A from a binary random experiment in
which only two events result. A has two values a and 0. The probability that the
value a is obtained is p and the probability that the value 0 is obtained is q = 1 − p.
Find the expected value of A.
This is a discrete random variable and the pmf for A is
p(a) =
q when A = 0
p when A = a
The expected value is obtained from (1.33) as
E[A] = q ×0 + p ×a = pa (1.37)
Notice that the expected value will be between 0 and a since p is a nonnegative