10 1 Probability
The probability of the complement of an event is given by
) = 1 − p(A) (1.13)
1.11 Random Variables
Many systems based on random phenomena are best studied using the concept of
random variables. A random variable allows us to employ mathematical and numer-
ical techniques to study the phenomenon of interest. For example, measuring the
length of packets arriving at random at the input of a switch produces as outcome a
number that corresponds to the length of that packet.
According to references [1–4], a random variable is simply a numerical descrip-
tion of the outcome of a random experiment. We are free to choose the function
that maps or assigns a numerical value to each outcome depending on the situa-
tion at hand. Later, we shall see that the choice of this function is rather obvious
in most situations. Figure 1.3 graphically shows the steps leading to assigning a
numerical value to the outcome of a random experiment. First we run the experi-
ment, then we observe the resulting outcome. Each outcome is assigned a numerical
Assigning a numerical value to the outcome of a random experiment allows us to
develop uniform analysis for many types of experiments independent of the nature
of their specific outcomes [1].
We denote a random variable by a capital letter (the name of the function) and
any particular value of the random variable is denoted by a lower case letter (the
value of the function).
The following are the examples of random variables and their numerical values.
1. Number of arriving packets at a given time instance is an example of a discrete
random variable N with possible values n = 0, 1, 2, ···.
2. Tossing a coin and assigning 0 when a tail is obtained and 1 when a head is
obtained is an example of a discrete random variable X with values x ∈{0, 1}.
3. The weight of a car in kilograms is an example of a continuous random variable
W with values in the range 1000 ≤ w ≤ 2000 kg typically.
4. The temperature of a day at noon is an example of random variable T .This
random variable could be discrete of continuous depending on the type of ther-
mometer (analog or digital).
Number: x
Fig. 1.3 The steps leading to assigning a numerical value to the outcome of a random experiment