330 10 Modeling Medium Access Control Protocols
Table 10.1 ALOHA contention problem: illustrating all possible conflict situations encountered
by the transmitted frame (shaded rectangle in Fig. 10.2)
Frame Start time t Contention with shaded frame
1 t
< t < t
2 t
< t < t
3 t
< t < t
4 t
< t < t
5 t
< t < t
We make the following conclusions based on Fig. 10.2 and Table 10.1. Any frame
transmitted in the period T before our shaded frame will cause contention (e.g.,
frame 3). Any frame transmitted during the period T when our shaded frame is being
sent will cause contention (e.g., frame 4). The critical zone during transmission
of the shaded frame is shown at the bottom of Fig. 10.2. Thus for a successful
transmission at a given time step, the channel must be quiet and all users must be
idle for previous time step.
10.3.1 Modeling the ALOHA Network
In this section, we perform Markov chain analysis of the ALOHA network. We
make the following assumptions for our analysis of ALOHA:
1. The states of the Markov chain represent the status of the wireless channel: idle,
transmitting, and collided.
2. The propagation delay between any pair of users is less than the frame time T .
3. The time step value T is taken equal to the frame transmission delay.
4. There are N users in the system.
5. Users can transmit any time they want.
6. The probability that a user transmits a frame in one time step is a.
7. All frames have equal lengths and the duration of each frame is T .
8. Contention occurs if a frame is sent at time t and there are transmissions during
the time period T−t to t + T .
9. A user retransmits a corrupted frame after waiting a random amount of time.
Based on the above assumptions, the wireless channel can be in one of three
states: idle, collided,ortransmitting. Figure 10.3 shows the transition diagram for
our Markov chain. The following observations help explain the figure:
Idle state: We remain in s
as long as all users are idle (probability u
). We
move to transmitting state if exactly one user requests access (probability u
and we move to collided state if two or more users request access (probability
1 −u
Transmitting state: We move to idle state if all users are idle. If one or more
users request access, we move to collided state since there will be no period
of calm before the next transmission.