VII.3 The Oseen Fundament al Solution 429
difference resulting in the asympto tic estimate (VII.2.1)
, which has to be
replaced by
|v(x)| = o(1/|x|
If n = 2, by the same technique we can still establish the exi stence of a
vector field v satisfying (i), (ii), (iii), and (v) of Definition VII.1.1, for q = 2;
however, by this technique we are not able to show the validity of condition
(iv) since, as we know, functions in D
(Ω) for n = 2 need not tend to a
prescribed value at infinity. Nevertheless, unlike the Stokes approximation,
for the problem at hand we can prove existence of generalized solutions by
means of more complicated tools, as will be shown in Theorem VII.5.1.
Remark VI I.2.2 The observations made in Remark V.2.1 apply equally to
the present situation. In particula r, if v
= v
+ω×x, for some v
, ω ∈ R
, the
existence of a generalized solution is proved without regularity assumptions
on Ω.
Exercise VII.2.1 Theorem VII.2.1 can be generalized to the case when ∇·v = g 6≡
0, where g is a suitably prescrib ed function. Specifically, show that for Ω, f and v
satisfying the same assumptions of Theorem VII.2.1 and for all g ∈ L
there exists one and only one generalized solution to the nonhomogeneous Oseen
problem, that is, a field v : Ω → R
satisfying (i) (with q = 2), (iii), (iv), and (v)
of Definition VII.1.1 together with ∇ · v = g in the weak sense. Show, in addition,
that, in such a case, estimate (VII.2.1)
is modified by adding to its right-hand side
the term
+ R|g|
VII.3 The Oseen Fundamental Solution and the
Associated Volume Potentials
In order to derive further properties of solutions to the Oseen problem in
exterior domains, we shall introduce a suitabl e singular solution to equations
in the whole space. Though such a solution can be considered, for
the probl em at hand, the analogue of the Stokes fundamental solution (IV.2.3),
(IV.2.4), it differs from this latter in several respects; the main difference is the
behavior at large distances. Specifically, the Oseen fundamental solution has
a “no nsym metric” structure, presenting a “wake region” which, as we know,
does not appear i n the Stokes approximation.
Following Oseen (1927, §4), we denote by E and e tensor and vector fields,
respectively, defined by