I. Introduction 3
where I is the identity matrix and D = {D
} with
. (I.0. 3)
Liquids satisfying the constitutive equation (I.0.2 ) are also called Newtonian
In several mathematical questions related to the unique solvability of prob-
lem (I.0.1), two-dimensional solutions describing the plane motions of L de-
serve separate attention. For these solutions the fields v and p depend only on
, x
(say), and t, and, moreover, v
≡ 0. Consequently, the relevant (spatial)
region of flow Ω becomes a subset of the plane R
Till a f ew decades ago (early 1930s), there was unanimous opinion that the
Navier–Stokes equations were useful (in agreement with the experiments, that
is) only at “low”-velocity regimes. It is also thanks to the efforts of outstanding
mathematicians such as Jean L eray, Eb erhard Hopf, Ol ga Ladyzhenskaya, and
Robert Finn that they are nowadays regarded as the universal foundation of
fluid mechanics, no matter how com plicated and unpredictable the behavior of
its solutions may be. In fact, when we struggl e to give an answer to a “simply”
formulated problem, we never know whether it is because of lack of sufficient
mathematical knowledge or because of some hidden physical phenomenon.
In any case, there is a firm belief in the mathematical community that these
equations hide many mysteries and secrets that are still far beyond our current
When dealing with equations (I.0.1), the primary goal is to study such
significant and basic prop erties of solutions v, π as existence, uniqueness, and
regularity, and asymptoti c behavior in space (when Ω is unbounded) and in
Of course, these properties may be rather different according to whether
Roughly speaking, the relation (I.0.2) states that the shear stress in a viscous liq-
uid produces a gradient of velocity that is proportional to the stress. In Newton’s
words: “Resistentiam, quæ oritur ex defectu lubricitatis partium Fluidi, cæteris
paribus, proportionalem esse velo citati, qua partes Fluidi separantur ab invicem”
(“The resistance, arising from the want of l ubricity in the parts of a fluid is, cæ-
teris paribus, proportional to the velocity with which the parts of the fluid are
separated from each other”); see N ewton (1686, Book 2, Sect. IX, p. 373).
We wi sh to observe that with a view to solving the above-mentioned questions,
the Navier–Stokes equations can be considered the mathematical prototype of
more complicated models that can be used to take into account other than
purely mechanical phenomena of the liquid, such as thermal conduction in the
Boussinesq approximation or electrical conduction in the nonrelativistic (incom-
pressible) magnetohydrodynamic scheme. In fact, for these more general systems,
one can prove results that are qualitatively analogous to those achieved for the
simpler system (I.0.1) and that present for their proof approximately the same
degree of difficulty one encounters f or (I.0.1). However, the situation becomes
completely different, and, in principle, more complicated, if the liquid is modeled