22 I Steady-State Solutions: Formulation of the Problems and Open Questions
Notes for Chapter I
Section I.1. The study of the properties of solutions to the Navier–Stokes
equations has received substantial attention also under boundary conditions
other than (I.1.1). A popular one is the following:
v + βn ·T (v, p) × n = b
, at ∂Ω , (∗)
where β is a constant, n is the outer unit normal at ∂Ω, T (v, p) is the Cauchy
stress tensor (I.0.2), and b
is a prescribed vector field. Condition (∗) was
introduced for the first time by Navier (1827).
If β = 0, (∗) reduces to
to (I.1.1), and v is totally prescribed (no sli p), while if 1/β → 0 , o nly v ·
n is prescribed, and we lose information on the tang ential component v
(pure slip). However, if β 6= 0 and finite, (∗) allows for v
to be nonzero,
by an amount that depends on the magnitude of the tangential stress at the
boundary (partial slip).
The Navier condition (∗), with 1/β 6= 0 or → 0, has been employed in a
wide range of problems. They include free surface problems (see, e.g., Solon-
nikov 1982, Maz’ja, Plamenevskii, & Stupyalis 1984), turbulence modeling
(see, e.g., Par´es 1992 , Galdi & Layton 200 0), and inviscid limits (see, e.g.,
Xiao & Xin 2007, Beir˜ao da Veiga 2010).
Concerning the use of (∗) in steady-state studies, after the pioneering work
of Solonnikov and
Sˇcadilov (1973), where pure slip boundary conditions are
used along wi th a linearized system of equations (Stokes equations), in the last
few years there has been considerably increasing interest. Besides the papers
of Beir˜ao da Veiga (2 004, 2005), which generalize and si mplify the proof of the
results of Solonnikov &
Sˇcadilov, we refer the interested reader, for exampl e,
to Ebemeyer & Frehse (2001) for flow in bounded domains, Mucha (2003),
Konieczny (2006), and Beir˜ao da Veiga (2006) for flow in infinite channels and
pipes, to Konieczny (2009) fo r flow in exterior domai ns, and to the literature
cited therein.
It is conceptually interesting to notice that some of the basic problems left
open for liquids m odeled by the Navier–Stokes equations may find a complete
and posi tive answer for liquid models whose constitutive assumptions differ
from tha t given in (I.0.2). Such models are generically referred to as non-
Among the most successful and widely adopted models of non-
Newtonian liquids are those called generalized Newtonian, where the shear
viscosity coefficient µ is no longer constant, but depends on the “amount of
shear,” namely, on |D(v)|, with D the stretching tensor defined in (I.0.3).
Navier proposed (∗) (or better, an equation equivalent to (∗) with b
= 0) in
alternative to the “adherence” condition (I.1.1), wit h the objective of explaining
the difference between the discharges in glass and copper tubes, as experimentally
observed by Girard (1816).
For this type of models and their range of applicability, we refer the interested
reader to the monograph of Bird, Armstrong, and Hassager (1987).