14 I Steady-State Solutions: Formulation of the Problems and Open Questions
where M is a positive constant depending on the data, Leray (1933, §17);
see also Borchers (1992, Korollar 4.1) and Chapter XI. In analogy with the
case ω = 0 (and the case of a bounded domai n as well), solutions to (I.2.8)
satisfying (I.2.9) will be called Leray solutions. Such solutions can be shown
to possess as much regularity as allowed by the data, so that the next and
crucial question is whether they exhibit all fundamental properties expected
on physical grounds, already described in the previous section for the case
ω = 0. To date, the answer to this question depends on whether v
· ω 6= 0
or v
· ω = 0 (namely, λ 6= 0 or λ = 0).
If v
·ω 6= 0, Galdi & Kyed (2011a) have proved that the velocity field (re-
spectively, its gradient) of every Leray solution corresponding to f of bounded
support is pointwise bounded above, at large distances, by a function that be-
haves like the solution (respectively, its gradient) to the (linearized) Oseen
equations. In particular, it exhibits a wake region extending in the direction
opposite to ω if v
· ω > 0, and along ω otherwise, sati sfies the energy equa-
tion and is unique, in the cl ass of Leray solutions, for sufficiently “small” data.
However, the investigation of Galdi & Kyed leaves unanswered the following
important question:
(v) Do Leray solutions admit an asymptotic expansion for large |x| whose
leading term is a solution to the Oseen equations?
If v
·ω = 0, the physical properties of the solution originally constructed
by Leray are known to hold, to date, only for “small” data. In particular Galdi
& Kyed (201 0) have shown that under these assumptions, the velocity field
and its gradient are bounded above, at large distances, by the corresponding
quantities of a function that behaves like a solution to the Stokes equations.
One significant property that follows from this result is that Leray solutions
satisfy the energy equation, but for “small” data only. Therefore, question (i)
listed previousl y for the case ω = 0 continues to be a significant open question
in the case ω 6= 0 as well. However, on the bright side, and in contrast to the
case v
· ω 6= 0, one is abl e to furnish a detailed asymptotic expansio n of the
velocity field and of its derivatives fo r large |x|, but again, for sm all data. In
fact, under these circumstances, Farwig & Hishida (2009) and Farwig, Galdi,
& Kyed (201 0) have shown that, as in the case ω = 0, the leading term of
the expansion is a suitable Landau solution. Consequently, question (ii) listed
previously for the case ω = 0 is a significant open question also in the case
ω 6= 0.
I.2.2 Plane Flow
The results and open questions considered so far refer to three-dimensional
solutions of the problem described by (I.0.4), (I.1.1), and (I.2 .3). The two-
dimensional solutions representing plane motions of L, deserve separate con-
sideration. As is well known, for these solutions the fields v and p dep end
only on x
, x
(say) and, moreover, v
≡ 0. Therefore, the relevant region f or