VI.6 Notes for the Chapter 415
VI.6 Notes for the Chapter
Section VI.1. Although differing in details, the material presented here is
based on the treatment o f Amick (1977). In particular, Theorem VI.1.2 can
be deduced from the work of this author.
Section VI.2. The main result of this section, Theorem VI.2 .2, is due to me.
It has been obtained by coupling the ideas of Horgan & Wheeler (1978) with
those o f Amick (1977,1 978) and of Ladyzhenskaya & Sol onnikov (1980). In
particular, Lemm a VI.2.1 and Theorem VI.2.1 are due to Ladyzhenskaya and
Solonnikov, while Lemma VI.2.2 is proved by Horgan and Wheeler. Somewhat
weaker results than those of Theorem VI.2.2 can be deduced from the papers
of Horgan (197 8) and Ames & Payne (1989). Extension of these results to
compressible flui ds has been recently proved by Padula & Pileckas (19 92, §7).
Section VI.3. The guiding ideas are essentially taken from the works of
Heywood (1976, §6) and Solonnikov & Pileckas (1977).
Concerning domains with varying cross-sections (not necessarily unbounded),
we refer the reader to the papers of Fraenkel (1973), Iosif’ jan (1978), Pileckas
(1981), and Nazarov & Pileckas (1983).
Section VI.4. The approach proposed here is due to me. The proof of The-
orem VI.4.3 is inspired by the work of Gilbarg & Weinberger (1978, §4).
The study of certain asymptotic behavior in domains with o utlets contain-
ing a semi-infinite cone has been performed by Pileckas (1980a).
Results on existence, uni queness and asymptotic decay of solutions in do-
mains that become “layer-li ke” at infinity are provided by Nazarov & Pileckas
(1999a , 2001). It is interesting to observe that, for n = 3, solutions show onl y
a power-like decay, and not an exponential one.
Section VI.5. The “flow through an aperture” (or “flow through a slit” in
the two-dim ensional case) is a well studied problem in classical fluid dynam-
ics, mostly, for its applications to resonance phenomena in narrow-mouthed
harbors; see, e.g. Miles & Lee (1975). As a matter of fact, in absence of body
forces, explicit solutions can be exhibited in the two-dim ensional inviscid case
(Lamb 1932, p. 73; Milne-Thomson 1 938, §§6.10 , 11.53) and in the vi scous
case as well (Stokes problem), when the aperture is a circle (Milne-Thomson
1938, §15.56). In the mathematical community, seemingly, this type of flow
became popular and thoroughly investigated in its viscous formulation, only
after the publication of the fundamental paper of Heywood (1976).
The theory described in this section is due to Galdi & Sohr (1992); see also
Farwig and Sohr (1994b). Similar results have been obtained, independently
and by different tools, by Borchers & Pileckas (1992). However, the asymptotic
estimates given in Theorem VI.5.2 are somewhat more detailed than those
provided by the latter authors.