106 Exact Solutions and Invariant Subspaces
3.2 Applications to extinction, blow-up, free-boundary problems, and
interface equations
We begin with a simple quadratic TFE using the basic polynomial subspace W
reveals some interesting evolution properties of such models, which are not easy to
justify rigorously for more general classes of solutions.
3.2.1 Invariant subspace and exact solutions
We introduce a quadratic TFE with the constant negative absorption term,
− 1. (3.25)
It is common to have thin film models in the divergent form, so the mass conserva-
tion holds. On the other hand, under some circumstances, TFEs may contain non-
divergentoperators. For instance, source-like terms may be relevant for a monolayer
film in coexistence with vapor due to the well-studied phenomena of adsorption (in-
teraction of gases and liquids with solid surfaces) and condensation; see [83] and
[559] for more recent references. Homogeneous nucleation phenomena are natural
in phase transition theory (see Lifshitz–Pitaevskii [394]), and condensation of liquid
droplets from a supersaturated vapor is an example. Absorption terms can occur in
view of the evaporation phenomenon,or due to the permeability of the surface. Such
general non-divergent TFEs are derived in [451]; see also Remarks.
Evaporation and condensation phenomena have been a subject of research and
debate for more than a century. Classical nucleation theory dates back to Laplace’s
work (1806) on surface energy and tension, to Thompson’s (Lord Kelvin) theory es-
tablishing the Thompson formula (1870)for the dependence of the critical radiusr of
a droplet on the vapor pressure p, the famous condensation theory by Hertz (1882)
and Knudsen (1915), Becker–D¨oring’s equations of nucleation (1935), Zel’dovich–
Frenkel’s equation (1942), Lifschitz–Slyozov’s theory of coarsening (1961), and
other ideas and results. Papers [518, 394] contain detailed overviews of the history.
Equation (3.25) represents a formal mathematical model explaining key features
of extinction phenomena in Stefan–Florin FBPs for thin film equations. For the
second-order PMEs, similar absorption models are
= (u
− u
, with σ>0andp > −(σ + 1), (3.26)
where p = 0 gives the constant absorption −1. These models exhibit interfaces,
finite-time extinction, and quenching in the strong absorption range p < 1, and are
key for general existence, uniqueness, interface propagation, and asymptotic theory;
see references and results in [245, Ch. 4, 5] and [226, Sect. 7.11].
For (3.25), a compactly supported nonnegative continuous initial function u
(x )
is taken. Then, formally, in the Cauchy problem, we want the constant absorption
term to act only in the positivity domain {u > 0}, since otherwise, the solution will
immediately take negative values. This implies that, instead of −1 everywhere, one
needs to have the absorption term −1χ
(x ),whereχ
(x ) is the characteristic
function of the set A ∈ IR ,soχ
(x ) = 1ifx ∈ A, and zero otherwise. Then the
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