5.3 Experiment: Quantum Error Correction 223
Figure 5.3 shows results of the experiments. The quantum error correction was
successful for various inputs. Note that Figure 5.3b shows the results for the case of
the input photon delayed compared to ancilla photon by roughly twice its coherence
length. The disappearance of interference in Figure 5.3b shows nonclassical nature
of the encoding operation.
In this section, we will describe the experimental implementation of a CV QEC
code based upon an entangled state of nine optical beams [164]. This experiment
was performed by Aoki et al. [239]. It is the nine-wavepacket adaptation of Shor’s
original nine-qubit scheme [21], as introduced in Section 5.2. In principle, this
scheme allows for full quantum error correction against an arbitrary single-beam
(single-party) error.
The CV version of Shor’s nine-qubit code [21, 164] is the only code to date which
can be deterministically (unconditionally) implemented using only linear optics
and sources of entanglement. Like the discrete Shor code, it can correct arbitrary
errors on single channels; however, more sophisticated codes would be required to
correct some important forms of error such as loss on all channels simultaneous-
ly [93, 249]. The experiment explained here is the first implementation of a Shor-
type code, as the preparation of nine-party entanglement is still beyond the scope of
existing non-optical approaches and single-photon-based, optical schemes. Indeed,
previous implementations of QEC were based on qubit codes, either in liquid-state
NMR (using up to five qubits) [240, 241, 243, 244], linear ion trap hardware config-
urations (using up to three qubits) [245], or single-photon linear optics (using up to
four qubits) [246, 247]. Here, continuous-variable QEC [237, 238] utilizes squeezed
states of light and networks of beam splitters [164] which are extensively explained
in the previous sections. Even this optical approach requires an optical network
three times the size as that used in teleportation network experiments explained
in Section 4.2.3 to achieve the large-scale multi-partite entanglement for a nine-
wavepacket code.
qubits or for continuous variables), a single, arbitrary error can be corrected. Such
schemes typically assume errors occur stochastically and therefore rely on the low
frequency of multiple errors. Stochastic error models may describe, for example,
stochastic, depolarizing channels for qubits, or in the CV regime [94], free-space
channels with atmospheric fluctuations causing beam jitter, as considered recently
for various nondeterministic distillation protocols [250–253] (see Figure 5.4 for a
three-mode QEC scheme with such a stochastic error model).
The overall performance of this family of QEC codes is only limited by the ac-
curacy with which ancilla state preparation, encoding and decoding circuits, and
syndrome extraction and recovery operations can be achieved. In the continuous-
variable scheme, all these ingredients can be efficiently implemented. In the ab-
sence of squeezing, the fidelity is limited by the vacuum noise. We dub this case