204 4 Quantum Teleportation
logue [161, 188] of G reenberger–Horne–Z eilinger (GHZ) state [140]. The CV GHZ
state is a maximal ly entangled state and a simultaneous eigenstate of zero total mo-
mentum (p
D 0) and zero relative positions (x
D 0 i, j D 1, 2, 3).
The entanglement properties of the GHZ state are very fragile under partial losses
of a state. For example, if one of the three subsystems is traced out, the remain-
ing state ( O
, O
, O
) is completely unentangled [141]. Thus, without Claire’s
information, the quantum entanglement between Alice and Bob vanishes, and
quantum teleportation is no longer possible.
In a real experiment, a maximally entangled state is not available because of
finite squeezing and inevitable losses. We can still obtain, however, a fully insepa-
rable tripartite entangled state (a state none of whose subsystems can be separated)
as shown in Section [188]. An entangled state generated by three highly-
squeezed vacuum states still behaves like the GHZ state. The properties of the
state are fragile under partial losses of the state. In this case, Claire can completely
determine success or failure of quantum teleportation between Alice and Bob.
In contrast, even if three weakly-squeezed vacuum states are used, the state is a
fully inseparable tripartite entangled state, but the remaining bipartite state after
tracing out one of the three subsystems is still entangled [165], which is similar to
the case of telecloning in the previous section. In this case, after tracing out one
subsystem (e.g., mode 3), the variance h[∆( Ox
iCh[∆( Op
iis still below
unity [165] and shows the presence of bipartite entanglement between modes 1
and 2. If we use such a state, we will succeed in teleportation even without Claire’s
information, although teleportation fidelity is lower than the case with her infor-
mation which is again similar to the case of telecloning. In order to control success
or failure of teleportation, we need to use three highly-squeezed vacuum states.
There is another important point to be made when we develop bipartite quantum
teleportation into a tripartite quantum teleportation network. Only if we use a fully
inseparable tripartite entangled state, can we succeed in teleportation between an
arbitrary pair in the network. Namely, each party can play any of the three roles: a
sender, a receiver and a controller. Note that if we use a partially entangled state,
we may succeed in teleportation for a particular combination of the sender, the re-
ceiver and the controller, but may fail for other combinations. From this point of
view, a truly tripartite quantum protocol is defined as a protocol that succeeds only
if a fully inseparable (GHZ-type) tripartite entanglement is used. In order to verify
success of a truly tripartite quantum protocol, we need to succeed in teleportation
for at least two different combinations [165, 188]. For example, the experiment by
Jing et al. [226], a controlled dense coding for a particular combination, only shows
partial success and is not sufficient for the demonstration of a truly tripartite quan-
tum protocol. I n the experiment presented here, quantum teleportation for three
different combinations are demonstrated.
Here, we illustrate the procedure of our quantum teleportation network experi-
ment. Figure 4.19 shows the schematic of the experimental setup. Tripartite entan-
gled states [188] are distributed to Alice, Bob and Claire. We represent the operators
for each mode as ( Ox
, Op
)(i D A, B, C) in the Heisenberg representation. We first