246 6 Quantum Teleportation of Gates
case. This so-called cluster-state computation (recall also Section 1.8) and the cor-
responding experiments will be discussed in Chapter 7.
It turned out that the offline-resource-based and measurement-based approaches
offer a distinct advantage over those schemes with every single gate performed di-
rectly and unitarily online: the offline gates may be implemented in a probabilistic
fashion until they succeed; only for these successful events are the offline states de-
livered for consumption during the online computation. This feature is particularly
useful for DV qubit processing with single photons where entangling gates (or the
essential elements of it) cannot be achieved with near-unit, but with a reasonable,
nonzero success probability. In this approach, the measurement itself is used to in-
duce the required nonlinearity to achieve the universal gate (see Section 1.8). The
seminal theoretical work by Knill, Laflamme, and Milburn (“KLM”) [242], which
initiated linear-optics measurement-based quantum information processing, and
experiments related with this proposal will be discussed in Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2,
In the CV qumode case, experimentally inefficient interactions such as non-
Gaussian operations can be implemented offline. Moreover, even Gaussian squeez-
ing gates, otherwise hard to apply upon arbitrary quantum optical states, that is,
states other than the vacuum, can be enacted in an offline fashion. Experiments
along these lines will be described in Section 6.2.1, including a universal squeez-
er (Section and a Quantum Non-Demolition (QND) gate (Section
Finally, in Section 6.2.2, we briefly discuss alternate protocols for realizing univer-
sal quantum gates including a kind of CV version of KLM, namely, the CV gate
teleporter by Bartlett and Munro [268].
Teleporting Qubit Gates
In Section 2.8, we explained that, besides a direct implementation of universal
gates through nonlinear optical interactions (which are hard to obtain efficient-
ly), one may use the so-called multiple-rail encoding for which arbitrary quantum
gates are realizable through linear optics alone [134]. However, this very first linear-
optics quantum computer proposal is not scalable. A breakthrough towards an in-
principle efficient, scalable quantum computer based upon linear optics came with
the KLM proposal [242].
The KLM scheme is a fully DV-based protocol, demonstrating that, in princi-
ple, passive linear optics and DV photonic auxiliary states are sufficient for (the-
oretically) efficient, universal DV quantum computation. Inducing nonlinearity
through photon counting measurements renders the KLM scheme nondetermin-
istic. However, the probabilistic quantum gates can be made asymptotically near-
deterministic by adding to the toolbox feedforward and complicated, multi-photon