Improvements for the CHAMP and GRACE Observation Model 33
wind-up correction. Although the application of the wind-up correction for GPS
orbits without integer ambiguity fixing shows no effect as mentioned above, for
LEO satellites there is a noticeable impact. The results for CHAMP, GRACE-A and
TerraSAR-X orbits (code, phase and SLR RMS values) are summarized in Table 2.
It can be seen that the application of the phase wind-up correction improves the over-
all fit to code and phase data. The average SLR RMS, used for external validation,
improves also by about 3 mm.
3 GPS Attitude Model
The description of the GPS attitude model is given in details in Bar-Sever (1996)
or Kouba (2008). Below, for the purpose of clearness, we summarize shortly the
attitude regimes and formulas used.
Geometric (Nominal) Yaw Regime: Normally the GPS satellites keep their nom-
inal attitude which is defined by the condition, that the Y-axis (along solar panels)
must always be perpendicular to the Sun direction, the Z-axis points always towards
the Earth centre and the X-axis points either towards the Sun (in case of the Block
II and IIA satellites) or into the opposite direction (Block IIR). These conditions
force the satellites to rotate continuously around its Z-axis, producing a changing
yaw angle which is defined as the angle between the orbit transversal vector and
the X-axis of the satellite. The yaw angle defined this way can be called geometric
yaw angle, sometimes it is called nominal yaw angle when neglecting the so-called
B-yaw bias (see below).
Noon/Midnight Turn Regime: When the elevation of the Sun over the orbital
plane (the “Sun β angle”) is small, the maintenance of the nominal (geometric)
yaw model would require a very fast rotation (even becoming infinitely large if
β becomes zero) around the orbit noon and midnight points respectively. A hard-
ware limit restricts the rotation in such a way, that the actual yaw angle always
lags the nominal yaw angle. This attitude behaviour is called noon/midnight turn.
It starts when the nominal yaw rate exceeds the maximum rate allowed and ends
when the satellite resumes the nominal attitude. The noon turn is performed by all
satellites, the midnight turn by satellites of Block IIR only. The satellites of Block
II/IIA perform shadow turns instead of midnight turns.
Shadow Crossing Regime: A further attitude regime is when a satellite enters the
Earth’s shadow. The signal from the satellite’s Sun sensor is no longer available
to determine the nominal attitude. The satellite starts to rotate in one direction, first
with maximum rotation acceleration and next with maximum rotation rate. This atti-
tude behaviour is called shadow turn. This turn is performed by satellites of Block
II/IIA only. The IIR satellites perform midnight turns in the shadow as if they saw
the Sun. To make the direction of the rotation in the shadow determinable, a constant
hardware yaw bias (typically +0.5
) is imposed on the Sun sensor of the Block II/IIA
satellites. Outside the shadow this has a s ide effect on the nominal yaw attitude, i.e.
the actual yaw angle error due to this bias is larger than 0.5
and can reach more
than 10
in extreme cases.