50 F. Flechtner et al.
The satellite data have been provided by GFZ (EIGEN-GRACE05S static field
derived from monthly solutions between February 2003 and January 2007) and
GRGS (Groupe de Recherches Geodesie Spatiale) Toulouse (static field derived
from 10-daily GRACE solutions for the period August 2002 till January 2007 and
10-daily LAGEOS solutions for the period January 2002 till December 2006). The
GRGS processing standards and background models are, with minor differences
(e.g. the ocean model to correct short-term non-tidal mass variations is MOG2D;
Carrère and Lyard, 2003), nearly identical to EIGEN-GRACE05S.
The used surface data are identical to EIGEN-GL04C except of new gravity
anomaly data sets for Europe (H. Denker, IfE Hannover, 2007, personal commu-
nication), the Arctic Gravity Project gravity anomaly data (Forsberg and Kenyon,
2004) as updated in 2006 and newer Australian gravity anomalies (W. Featherstone,
Curtin University of Technology, 2008, personal communication). As the precursor
joint GFZ/GRGS combined gravity field models, EIGEN5-C is complete t o degree
and order 360 in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients which corresponds to a
spatial resolution of 55 km on the Earth’s surface. Also, a special band-limited nor-
mal equation combination method (Förste et al., 2008a) has been applied in order
to preserve the high accuracy from the satellite data in the lower frequency band of
the geopotential and to form a smooth transition to the high frequency information
coming from the surface data.
Independent comparisons with geoid heights determined point-wise by GPS
positioning and GPS levelling show notable improvements (Table 2). The results
given in this table have been derived for GPS/leveling points of the USA (Milbert,
1998), Canada (M. Véronneau, Natural Resources Canada, 2003, personal com-
munication), Germany (Ihde et al., 2002), Europe (Ihde, 2008, personal commu-
nication) and Australia (G. Johnston, Geoscience Australia and W. Featherstone,
Curtin University of Technology, 2007, personal communication). For this com-
parison, height anomalies were calculated from the spherical harmonic coefficient
data sets and reduced to geoid heights (c.f. Rapp, 1997). The topographic correction
was done by using the DTM2006.0 model, which is available in spherical harmonic
coefficients (Pavlis et al., 2007).
Also, the unrealistic meridional striping patterns over the oceans in the pre-
cursor EIGEN models could be much reduced (Fig. 7). Therefore, EIGEN-5C
and its associated satellite-only model EIGEN-5S have been selected as standard
for ESA’s official data processing of the upcoming gradiometer satellite mission
Table 2 Root mean square (rms) about mean of GPS-levelling minus gravity field model derived
geoid heights (cm) (number of points in brackets)
Gravity Model USA (6169) Canada (1930) Australia (201) Europe (1234) Germany (675)
EIGEN-GL04C 34 25 24 34 18
EIGEN-CG03C 35 31 26 36 20
EIGEN-CG01C 35 27 26 37 22