More Accurate and Faster Available CHAMP and GRACE Gravity Fields 9
vital to keep other subsystems running outside the gravity field complex, but nev-
ertheless necessary to attain the mission goals of CHAMP and GRACE. This “base
processing” includes, for example, GPS satellite and clock parameters for the estab-
lishment of a consistent reference frame for LEO orbit adjustment. Also necessary
are the uninterrupted computation and provision of orbit predictions for the interna-
tional SLR ground stations, which in turn provide SLR measurements that serve
as an independent quality control tool for CHAMP and GRACE orbit products
exclusively based on GPS observations. Last but not least, there is the need of
computation of fast orbit products (Rapid Science Orbits) for magnetic field data
analysis (project “MAGFIELD”) as well as for probing the ionosphere and the
atmosphere (project “NRT-RO”).
These tasks have been investigated in the GFZ project “More Accurate and Faster
Available CHAMP and GRACE Gravity Fields for the User Community” funded
within the programme “Geotechnologien” of BMBF (Ministry for Education and
Research) and DFG (German Research Community) under grant 03F0436. Two
main work packages have been defined: (a) the improvement of the CHAMP and
GRACE base processing, in order to be able to provide the products to the user
faster and more accurate and (b) optimization of the algorithms and procedures used
for orbit and gravity field determination which is an essential requirement to attain
the goal “faster and more accurate“. The most important results are described in the
following articles and can be summarized as follows:
The Information System and Data Center (ISDC) portal of the Helmholtz
Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (http://isdc.gfz- is the online service access point for all manner of geoscientific
geodata, its corresponding metadata, scientific documentation and software tools.
Initially, there have been different project driven and independent parallel oper-
ating ISDCs, such as the CHAMP, GRACE or GNSS ISDCs. As a consequence,
users who were interested in e.g. orbit products from different satellite missions,
had to enter sequentially different access points to find the required data and meta
information. To overcome this unfavorable situation, to improve the Graphical User
Interface (GUI) of the ISDC and to reduce double work and costs related to the oper-
ation and maintenance, the different portals were integrated under one roof. After
the launch of the first release of the new ISDC portal in March 2006, the number
of users increased from around 800 to almost 2000 in February 2009. Especially
within the first year after the start there was an exponential increase of users, which
also demonstrates the great user acceptance and successful development of the new
portal system. Also the grown international importance of geosciences data and
information provided by the ISDC portal is clearly visible. Today, more than 80%
of the registered users are from foreign countries, such as from China and the USA,
both with almost 300 users, followed by India, Japan, Canada, UK, France, Italy and
others. The daily data input/output rate has reached a value of about 5,000 data files.
By now, the registered and authorized users have access to more than 20 million
geosciences data products, always consisting of data and metadata files of almost
300 different product types. Further information on the GFZ ISDC can be found in
Ritschel et al. (this issue).