23-20 Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling
the state trajectory for a discrete-event model. Such models can be easily and efficiently simulated using
software such as SIGMA.
Some analytical properties of ERGs are also presented, most notably their representation as linear pro-
gramming or mixed integer optimization models. These linear program (LP) representations allow the
rich set of analytical and algorithmic methodologies from optimization to be applied to the study of
discrete-event dynamic systems as well as define explicit dual for discrete-event systems.
The author appreciates the support of the National Science Foundation through grant DMI0323765 to the
University of California, Berkeley. He is also grateful for the contributions of his students and colleagues,
in particular, those of former students W. K. Chan, P. Hyden, M. Oman, D. Pederson, V. Peterson, and
T. Roeder.
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