Finite Elements 13-11
Extra shape function Normal strain
integration point
Nonconforming element Reduced integration
Shear strain
integration point
FIGURE 13.11 Methods for removing shear locking.
However, this additional shape function is NOT continuous across element boundaries and hence dis-
placements are not continuous. Therefore, the effect is to allow gaps to open between elements. Reduced
integration uses a different number of Gauss–Legendre points during the integration, a number less than
that required for exact integration. The sampling points are chosen so that this shear is not included. For
the current example, a single point in the center of the element is used for integrating the shear terms. As
can be seen, this will neglect the shear developed in the element as a result of the linear displaced shape.
There are other more complex constraint processes that remove the shear locking problem.
13.2.4 Mesh Correctness and Convergence
As discussed in Section 13.1, the accuracy of the solution depends on the number of elements and the order
of the shape functions. As the number of elements increases, the piecewise displacement approximation
approaches the true displacement field. Recall that two linear elements provided a better response than a
single linear element. Also, a single quadratic element performed even better.
13.2.5 Stress Difference to Indicate Mesh Accuracy
The stress results also follow the same pattern. More elements provide better stress results. However, since
we only guarantee the continuity of the displacements, the stresses are discontinuous. This means that at a
node where two elements meet, the stresses do not match. However, as the number of elements increases,
the difference in stresses between elements gets smaller. As an example, Figure 13.12 is a plot of the stress
along the top of the cantilever beam. The results are plotted for 4-4, 2-9, and 40-4 node membranes.
Note that for the 4-4-node elements, the difference between the elements is 28%. This large percentage
error indicates a poor mesh (or not enough elements). Looking at the two nine-node model we see a closer
difference. Here the error is 14%. This indicates that the mesh is marginal but probably sufficient. Finally,
we look at the 40-element model. Here the error is much better and only 3%. The 40-element model is
very good. Note that many solution techniques perform another process of stress averaging to improve
the final presented result.
The difference in element stresses at a node is an important measure of model correctness. In general, we
do not have the exact displacements to compare and check our model. Hence, stress checks are necessary
to verify convergence of our model. If the difference in stresses between elements is small, the finite element
mesh is good.
13.2.6 Element Meshing
Defining a mesh is critical to finding a correct solution with a minimum number of elements. More
elements are needed where the displacement field is highly nonlinear (or in a high stress gradient area).