8.2. Convolution, Tempered Distributions, Laplace Transforms
We define
in t < c, that is, for every (p E 6D with support in (- oo, c). Here f * g is the
ordinary convolution off and g,
(f*g)(t)_ ff(t-s)g(s)ds, (8.2.4)
where the interval of integration is actually 0 < s < t. (Note that f * g is
continuous.) Since c may be arbitrarily large, it is clear that the definition
above works for any (p E 6D, but it is not immediately apparent that it does
not depend on the choice of the representations (8.2.1) and (8.2.2), which
are obviously not unique. Assume, say, that we replace (8.2.1) by
(t <c1).
We may assume that m < m, and c < c, (the other possibilities are dealt
with in a similar way). Since (f - fl" m))(m) = 0 in t < c, it follows from
Lemma 8.1.1 that f - f i m 1 - m) is a polynomial in t < c. But both f and f, are
zero for t < 0, thus f = flmi-m) and f, is continuously differentiable
at least
m, - m times in t < c. Then we have, after a clearly permissible differentia-
tion under the integral sign,
(fl * g)" =
(fl(m'-m) * g)(m)
= (f * g)(m)
in t < c. This proves that U * V is defined independently of the particular
representations (8.2.1), (8.2.2) chosen. The definition can be easily extended
to the case where U = 0 for t < a, V = 0 for t < b; we omit the details.
It is a rather simple consequence of the construction of U * V that
(U * V)(k) = U(k) * v= U * V(k) (8.2.5)
for any U, V and any integer k >, 0.
It can also be easily seen that if U = 0 in t < a and V = 0 in t < b,
then U * V = 0 in t < a + b. On the other hand, assume that U = 0 fort > a'
and V = 0 for t > b'. Take c so large that the interval t < c contains both the
supports of U and V. Then the function fin (8.2.1) must be a polynomial of
degree < m -1 in t > a' and g must likewise be a polynomial of degree
< p - 1 in t > b'. Hence f * g is a polynomial of degree < m + p -1 in
t > a' + b', which implies that U * V = 0 in t >, a' + b'. We can summarize
these observations in the formula
(supp(U* V))`c (suppU)`+(supp(V))(8.2.6)
where (
)`' indicates convex hull.
It is immediate from its definition that the map (U, V) --> U * V from
6D +(E) x 6 +(F) into 6D +(G) is bilinear. We also have the following con-
tinuity property: