The Cauchy Problem in the Sense of Vector-Valued Distributions
if Re A > 0. Taking /3 larger, if necessary, we can assume that
< Y.
Also, by virtue of the first two conditions (8.5.4), we have
p > a(2a + b),
so that it follows from the last two estimates, from (8.5.7), and from (8.5.8)
that inequality (8.5.9) actually holds for all A E SZ (a, fl).
We write next qpS = S +((p -1)S and deduce that there is an integer
q independent of 9D such that for every (p E 3C there exists a continuous
(E; X)-valued function f9, vanishing for t < 0 and such that
q?S = f(q)
in R. (8.5.10)
Since pS = 0 for t > 2a, f! must be there a polynomial of degree < q - 1.
Proceeding now exactly as in the proof of Theorem 8.2.8, we obtain
IIe (ms)(X)II(E; X) <clXl4 (ReX 0, ICI ,1)
(ReX<0, IXI>1).
Let A E 2(a, /3). We deduce from the first and third inequalities (8.5.4) that
-2a Re X < 2aa log IXI - 2a/3 < (a(1 + b)/p)loglXI - 2a/3 < loglXI - 2a/3
so that (8.5.11) and (8.5.12) combine to yield
We make use now of (8.5.13) and of (8.5.9) in the style of Theorem 8.4.8 to
show that 91,(X) = E (pS)(X)(I - C' (X )) -' is a right inverse for $(X) in
SZ(a, /3) satisfying (8.5.2) for m = q + 1. The fact that Jl,(X) is a two-sided
inverse follows, again as in the proof of Theorem 8.4.8, from arguments of
the same type applied to the function ' in the second equality (8.5.5).
Remark. As a byproduct of the proof of Theorem 8.5.1, we have
obtained that a distribution P in (C(°°))-1 must be in S' ' for some w > 0.
But more is true: in fact, it follows from the representation (8.5.3) and a
simple estimation that there exists a w > 0 such that for every r > 0 there
exists a constant Ce > 0 with
8.5.3 Remark. Theorem 8.5.1 implies Theorem 4.1.3 on the characteriza-
tion of operators A in the class C°° (see the remarks on the relation between
the Cauchy problem in the strong sense and in the sense of distributions
after Theorem 8.4.1). To see that the estimate (8.5.2) can be strengthened to
(4.1.6), it suffices to notice that the integer q in (8.5.10) can be chosen equal
to zero in this case; although f, = TS is merely strongly continuous, the
argument works. The estimation must of course be carried out in the
(E; E)-norm.