7.8. Time-Dependent Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems in the Whole Space 449
claims on K(t)S(t, s)K(s)-' follow and the proof of Theorem 7.8.3 is
The manipulations in the proof of Theorem 7.8.3 are perhaps too
intricate to let the basic idea of the argument shine through. An heuristic
justification of why we should expect K(t)S(t, s)K(s)-' to be strongly
continuous is this. Differentiating formally and using (7.8.15), we obtain
D,(K(t)S(t, s)K(s) ') = K(t)A(t)S(t, s) K(s) '
+ K'(t)S(t, s)K(s)-'
_ (A(t)+B(t)+K'(t)K(t)-')(K(t)S(t,s)K(s)-'),
whereas K(t)S(t, t)K(t)-' = I, thus K(t)S(t, s)K(s)-' should be the
propagator of
u'(t) = (A(t)+B(t)+K'(t)K(t)-')u(t)
and must then be everywhere defined and strongly continuous. Naturally, it
would be hard to try to establish this along the lines of Theorem 7.7.5, since
the hypotheses there are far from being satisfied
for B( )+
We close this section with the announced application of Theorem
7.8.3 to the time-dependent symmetric hyperbolic operator (7.8.2) (and to
the associated differential equation (7.8.1)).
7.8.5 Theorem.
Let the matrices A,(x, t),...,Am(x, t), B(x, t) be
defined and continuously differentiable with respect to x1,.
.. , x,,, in 118
m X [O, T].
Assume all the functions
are bounded in R' X [O, TI. Assume, moreover, that Ak (x, t), DiAk (x, t), and
B(x, t) are continuous in t for 0 < t < T, uniformly with respect to x E 118'.
Then the Cauchy problem for (7.8.1) is properly posed in both senses of time in
0 < t <T (with respect to solutions defined by (D)), with F= H'(Rm)P.
Proof. Fortunately, most of the work needed to verify the assump-
tions of Theorem 7.8.3 in this case was already done in Section 5.6 in for the
stationary equation. Continuity of the map (7.8.13) is immediate (we only
use here the hypotheses on Ak(x, t), B(x, t), not those on the partial
derivatives). The role of the operator function K(t) is played by the
constant function
Using the results of Section 5.6, we see that
Rd (t)A-' = Ca(t)+Q(t)
(0 <t <T),