432 The Abstract Cauchy Problem for Time-Dependent Equations
S(t+h,s)-S(t,s)=(S(t+h,t)-S(t,t))S(t,s). (7.7.32)
Therefore, the required right-sided differentiability of S(t, s) u for u E F
(and the equality D, S(t, s)u = A(t)S(t, s)u) will follow if we show that
S(t, s)F c F
for 0 < s < t < T. We do this next, and the reader will note that reflexivity of
F is used only here. If u E F, we have already noted that S (t, s) u E F; on
account of the uniform boundedness of IISfhI(F) (see the second inequality
(7.7.25)), (S,, (t, s)u) must be bounded in F and must then contain a weakly
convergent subsequence (which we denote in the same fashion). Let v be the
weak limit of (S,, (t, s)u). Since S,, (t, s)u -> S(t, s)u strongly (thus weakly)
in E and every continuous linear functional in E is a continuous linear
functional in F, it follows that S(t, s)u = v.
It is clear that (7.7.16) results from this argument and from the
second inequality (7.7.25).
To prove F-weak continuity of S, we argue in a somewhat similar
way. Let (t, s), (t,,, s,,), n =1, 2.... be points in the triangle 0 < s < t < T
such that (t,,, sn) - (t, s), and let u E F. If S(t,,, does not converge to
S(t, s)u weakly, there exists u* E F*, e> 0 and a subsequence of ((t,,,
(which we design with the same symbol) such that
E. (7.7.33)
However, in view of the reflexivity of F, we may assume (if necessary after
further thinning out of the sequence) that (S(t,,,
is weakly convergent
in F (thus in E) to some v E F. But S(t,,, S(t, s)u strongly, hence
weakly, in E. It follows that v = S(t, s)u, which contradicts (7.7.33) and
completes our argument.
It only remains to study the s-differentiability of S(t, s) u, u E F. The
fact that s - S(t, s)u has a left-sided derivative at s = t can be proved
exactly in the same way in which we show that t -* S(t, s) u has a right-sided
derivative; we use now
A (t)-
(s < t <T)
instead of A+(t) and we obtain that DS-S(t, s)u = - A(t)u for s = t.
so that DS S(t, s) exists in 0 < s < t and
DS S(t,s)u=-S(t,s)A(s)u.