292 Perturbation and Approximation of Abstract Differential Equations
(the first equality follows from the fact that X+ P, which belongs to d,
must be closed). It is remarkable that (5.3.19) will always be true, as (5.3.15)
and the fact that A and P are closable imply that A + P is closable. To see
this, we take a < 1 in (5.3.15) and use its consequence (5.3.12). Let be a
sequence in D(A) with u - 0, (A + P)u -> v. Then it follows from (5.3.12)
applied to u,, - Um that Pu - w E E. Since P is closable, w = 0; then
Au -> v, and we deduce that v = 0.
_ 5.3.9 Corollary. Let A be a closable, densely defined operator with
A E Q, P a closable operator with D(P) 2 D(A) satisfying (5.3.15) for a
arbitrarily small. Then A + P (with domain D(A)) is closable and q -+P E C9',.
We retake here the study of the Schrodinger equation (1.4.1), this time for a
potential U * 0. Setting q = - h -'U, we may write (1.4.1) as an equation in
the Hilbert space E = L2(R3)c in the form
u'(t)=(& (5.4.1)
where d =
is the operator described in Section 1.4 with K = h/2m and 2
is the multiplication operator
(2u)(x) = iq(x)u(x) (5.4.2)
(the domain of 2 will be precised later). It was proved in Section 1.4 that the
operator d belongs to (2(1,0), thus by the results in Section 3.6, ids is
self-adjoint in E. (This was also shown directly in Example 1.4.6.) In view of
the interpretation of the solution of (1.4.1) sketched in Section 1.4, it is of
great importance to find conditions on 2 (that is, on q) that make i (d + 2)
a self-adjoint, or at least an essentially self-adjoint operator. For one result
in this direction, we use (part of) Corollary 5.3.5 with P = 2.
5.4.1 Theorem. Let
q(x)=qo(x)+q,(x), (5.4.3)
where q0 E L°°(R3)R and q, E L2(R3)R, and let the domain of the operator 2
in (5.4.2) consist of all u E L 2(1
3) such that qu E L2(083). Then D(2) 2 D(Q)
and the operator i(? + 2) is self-adjoint.
To show that
Q D(d), it is obviously sufficient to
prove that every u E D(l) is bounded in R 3. This follows from the Fourier
analysis manipulations at the end of Section 1.6, but a slightly improved