Perturbation and Approximation of Abstract Differential Equations
The following result, which will be used in the proof of Lemma 5.2.5,
is well known.
Let D be open and convex, x E D, y E D. Then all
points in the segment joining x and y (except perhaps y itself) belong to D.
For a proof see Dunford-Schwartz [1958: 1, p. 413].
5.2.5 Lemma. Let u = u(x, v) be a continuous function in
SZ =
D X V that satisfies the boundary condition (5.2.2). Assume that D is convex,
open and bounded, that V is compact, and that Assumption (f) is satisfied.
Then the function u (x, v, t) _ (C5 0 (t) u)(x, v) defined by (5.2.21) is continu-
ous in 9 X [0, oo) = D X V X [0, oo).
To begin with, we note that if the point (x0, v0, t0) E D X V X [0, oo)
is such that
u (x0 - tovo, v0) = 0
(in particular, if x0 - t0vo E D), then continuity of u(x, v, t) at (x0, v0, to)
is a consequence of the continuity of u (x, v) regardless of behavior of S,
since u (x - tv, v) will be continuous as a function defined in R x X V x [0, 00)
at (x0, v0, to) (recall that u is extended outside of SZ setting u = 0 there).
We consider three separate alternatives, assuming for the moment
that v0 0.
(I) (x0, v0, to) E D X V X [0, oo) and q(xo, v0) > 0 (this happens if
and only if x0 E D or x0 E I' with - v0 incoming at x0). Clearly u will be
continuous at (x0, v0, to) if to < q(x0, v0) or if to > q(x0, v0); on the other
hand, if to ='q(x0, v0) the point x0 - t0vo belongs to the boundary I' and v0
is incoming at x0 - t0v0 so that (5.2.22) holds.
(II) (x0, v0, to) E F X V X [0, oo) with v0 incoming at x0. In this case,
so that continuity of u(x, v, t) at to = 0 results from continuity of u(x, v).
Assume then that to > 0. Since v0 is incoming at x0, x0 + evo E D if e > 0 is
sufficiently small. Hence, if x0 - t0vo E U we deduce from Lemma 5.2.4 that
x0 E D, which is absurd. Accordingly, x0 - t0vo 14 D and (5.2.22) holds.
(III) (x0, v0, t) E I' X V X [0, oo) but neither v0 nor - v0 are incoming
at x0. Our objective is again to show that (5.2.22) holds, and we may assume
x0 - t0vo E F.
In fact, if x0 - t0v014 D, (5.2.22) is automatically satisfied; on the other
hand, if x0 - t0vo E D, the vector - v0 is incoming at x0 against the
Let x be a point in D not in the line determined by x0 and v0. By
Lemma 5.2.4 the whole (two-dimensional) interior of the triangle de-