distance between the tip and the surface (Dz), as well as the local DOS of the
surface. A ccordingly, STM is typically performed on conductive and semiconduc-
tive surfaces. During topographic i maging, a feedback loop is established to
maintain a constant current through varying the distance between the tip a nd
surface (“constant current mode”). In this respect, STM is able to provide real-
time, three-dimensional images of t he surface with atomic r esolution. The use
of STM for nanofabrication also represents an important application that is o f
increasing i nterest.
In addition to imaging applications, scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) may
be performed, which delineates the local electronic structure of a surface. In this
mode, the feedback loop is interrupted, which fixes the distance between tip and
sample. A current vs. voltage (I–V) curve may then be acquired at a specific (x, y)
position on the surface by ramping the bias voltage, and recording the tunneling
current. If the I–V curves are collected at every point, a three-dimensional map of the
electronic structure may be generated.
Rather than monitoring electronic tunneling phenomena, AFM measures the
forces between the tip and surface, which depends on the nature of the sample, the
probe tip, and the distance between them (Figure 7.50, bottom).
The deflection
of the tip in response to surface–tip interfacial forces is recorded by using a laser
focused on top of the Si or SiN cantilever, and reflected onto photodetectors. The
signal emanating from the photodetector is used to generate a surface topographic
map, or the direct measurement of surface intermolecular forces. As with STM, a
feedback loop is present in the system, which controls the distance between the tip
and sample via an electrical current sent to piezoelectric transducers. Such “constant
force” scanning is used most frequently, since “constant-height” scanning could
result in collisional damage between the tip and surface.
The most common operating modes of AFM are contact, noncontact, and tapping,
which are self-explanatory in their manner of interrogation of the surface. In contact-
mode AFM, there is a repulsive force between the sample and tip (ca.10
N); the
piezoelectric response of the cantilever either raises or lowers the tip to maintain a
constant force. Similarly as STM, the best resolution will be obtained under UHV
conditions. That is, in an ambient environment, adsorbed vapors (e.g., N
form a layer on the surface with a thickness of ca. 10–30 monolayers. Consequently,
a meniscus will form between the tip and surface, which results in the attraction of
the tip toward the surface due to surface tension forces. This force may be neutra-
lized by operating the AFM in a liquid cell, in which the tip is completely immersed
in a solvent (Figure 7.51 ). It should be noted that frictional forces are not always
detrimental; lateral force AFM, or the purposeful dragging of the tip along the
surface, is useful to determine spatial variations in the composition or phase of a
Noncontact AFM overcomes the frictional and adhesive forces between the tip
and sample by hovering the tip a few Angstroms above the surface. In this mode, the
attractive van der Waal forces between the tip and surface are monitored. As you
might expect, these attractive forces are much weaker than those generated in
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